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LP abbr.stresses
gen. пластинка (сокращение употрбляется в США как сущ-ное irina knizhnik)
abbr., law Федеральный закон Швейцарии о несостоятельности (wikipedia.org LadaP)
account. линейное программирование (linear programming)
brit. коммандитное товарищество
busin. инвестиционное товарищество (AlexanderKayumov)
clin.trial. e-журнал (MichaelBurov); электронный дневник (MichaelBurov)
comp. низкопрофильный (low profile aharin)
dril. лодж-пол (Lodge Pole; свита нижнего отдела миссисипской системы)
el. долгоиграющий (о грампластинке); режим работы видеомагнитофона с удвоенным временем записи и воспроизведения
energ.ind. сжиженный пропан (Liquid Propane aharin)
Gruzovik, IT световое перо (light pen)
Gruzovik, polit. Лейбористская партия Великобритания (Labour Party; основана 27 февраля 1900 г.; название "лейбористская" получила в 1906 г.; штаб-квартира находится на Уолвортроуд, Лондон)
Gruzovik, scient. малая мощность (low power)
IT световое перо
leg.ent.typ. коммандитное товарищество (limited partnership – в Великобритании и некоторых других странах)
mil. жидкостный заряд (Первой артиллерийской системой, использующей жидкостные заряды, скорее всего станет американская Усовершенствованная система полевой артиллерии (Advanced Field Artillery System, AFAS). bartov-e)
mus. долгоиграющая пластинка
navig. линия положения
oil низкое давление (low pressure)
oil, seism. длиннопериодный (long-period)
slang долгоиграющая пластинка (со скоростью 33, 5 оборотов в минуту, сменившая старые – со скоростью 78, затем 45 оборотов, этот термин практически вытеснил слово "record" и стал синонимом Capitol Record Corp.)
tech. долгоиграющая граммофонная пластинка
yacht. перпендикуляр форштага
Lp abbr.
gen. деньги (разг. Anglophile); богатство (Anglophile)
lp abbr.
gen. долгоиграющий
tech. поршень нагрузки
LP local protection abbr.
nucl.pow. ЛЗ локальная защита (natty0208)
 English thesaurus
lP abbr.
abbr. Institute of Petroleum (A Hun)
LP abbr.
abbr. Large Print; Les Paul; Limited Partnership; Lincoln Park; Little People; Labor Power; Labor Productivity; Labour Party; Launch Position; Le Peu; Left Parietal; Lethal Parachute; Liberal Party; Light Perception; Light Punch; linking protection; Limited Procurement (or Production); Lincoln Papers; Line Print; Link Printer; Little Paul; Little Penguin; Living Presence; Loan Proceed; Local Pair; Lodgings Plus; Logical Partition (LVM); Long Patrol; Long Plate; long playing; Long Playing record (долгоиграющая пластинка tasya); Long Pointer; Long Precision; Long Program; Long- Play audio; Low Ping; low point; Low Precipitation; Lower Peninsula; Lucky Puppy; legal privilege
abbr., adv. liability policy
abbr., astr., scient. Lonely Planet
abbr., auto. lamp; leaded petrol; low potential
abbr., automat. linear pitch; lubricant parameter
abbr., avia. land landing performance; laser processing; laser projector; light pencil; light pulse; lightning protector; location pin; loft pattern; loop; linear power amplifier; linear pulse amplifier; cock low pressure cock; lean pre-mixed (bonly); lean production; light plate; low pressure switch
abbr., avia., Canada localizer performance without vertical guidance
abbr., biochem. lipid peroxidation (igisheva)
abbr., busin. long price
abbr., chem., scient. Liquid Propane
abbr., clin.trial. log pad (MichaelBurov); LogPad (MichaelBurov)
abbr., commer. liquefied petroleum (gas); life insurance policy; Palestine pound
abbr., comp., net. link protocol
abbr., desert. lambing percentage
abbr., earth.sc. Laguerre Polynomials; linear prediction; Log-Pearson Type; London Price
abbr., el. Lambda Physik GmbH; Lambda Physik Inc.; laser plotter; laser printer; linearly polarized; line protocol; line pulse; linking program; link processor; list processing; lithium polymer; locating point; logarithmically periodic; logical page; logical port; logic probe; long pulse; lower-order path; low-order path; log-periodic; low pressure (process)
abbr., el., scient. Low Pass
abbr., electr.eng. lighting panel
abbr., fin. liquidity premium theory; loan participation
abbr., gynecol. last period (igisheva)
abbr., IT light pen; lightpen
abbr., law Loss Prevention; Low Profile
abbr., libr. long-playing record
abbr., Makarov. leadless package; line printer; lubrication parameter
abbr., med. lumbar puncture (Vosoni); latency period; lipid proteinosis; low potency; lumber puncture; lumboperitoneal; lymphocyte predominant; lysate pellet; Labile Protein; Lateralis Posterior (muscle); Lipoprotein; Sound Pressure Level; Lumbar Puncture; Lumbar puncture; low power (microscopy); Licensed Practitioner
abbr., media. long-play; Linear Programming
abbr., mil. low pressure; Last Position; Line Printer; landplane; launch pad
abbr., mil., air.def. low-pass
abbr., mil., avia. lamp panel
abbr., mus. Linkin Park; Long Play; Low Price
abbr., O&G low pour point (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G, casp. lifting point (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., O&G, sakh. compressor discharge cooler; low production
abbr., oil liquid phase; sep low-pressure separator; lab project; laminated polyethylene film; late Pleistocene; latent period; layer production; lead programmer; lepidoblastic; light petroleum; line pairs; line pipe; line pressure; linear parafin; linear pressure; linear processing; linear programming; Liquefied Petroleum Gas Magazine; liquid petrolatum; liquid polymer; lodge pole; London Port; long pitch; low permeability; low porosity; lower part; Lower Permian; lumped parameter
abbr., opt. low pass
abbr., polym. liquid propellant; laminated plate; low polymer; low polymerizer; low-pressure; low-profile
abbr., progr. Logic Programming (BFRZ)
abbr., scottish Landing Point
abbr., securit. limit partnership
abbr., seism. long period
abbr., soil. leptosol; lacustrine plain
abbr., space language processor; load peak; local processor; low-pass filter
abbr., sport. leucocytic pyrogen; Long Player
abbr., st.exch. liquidity provider (Форекс bn1)
abbr., tech. lead point; light panel; lower power; line pair (tannin)
abbr., transp. License Plate
energ.ind. line pump; liquefied petroleum (gas); lithium process; low-power; low-powered; lower plenum; lubrication parameters
mil. laboratory procedure; last paid; launch platform; launching platoon; life preserver; limited production; liquid petroleum; list of parts; listening post; litter patient; live play; local procurement; local purchase; long persistence; loss of pay; low power
O&G local panel (to control individual packages)
tech. Langmuir probe; laser propulsion; linear polarization; liquid penetrant; liquid propellent; log periodic; log-periodic antenna; logical parent; long pass; long-period
tech., abbr. long-playing
TV long play
Lp abbr.
abbr. lipoprotein; ladyship; lordship; line pairs per centimeter (Andrey250780)
abbr., earth.sc. liparite
abbr., med. sound power level
lp abbr.
abbr. landplane; life policy; linear programming; liquid propellant
abbr., med. limp; loop-tail
LP L/P abbr.
meteorol. land plane; liquid propellant; low pressure
LP. abbr.
abbr., expl. low pressure
LPB abbr.
abbr., med. Lipoprotein B
LPA abbr.
abbr., med. Lipoprotein A
lP: 193 phrases in 41 subjects
Armored vehicles5
Automated equipment1
Computer networks2
Energy industry10
Gas processing plants2
Information security and data protection2
Mass media6
Medical appliances1
Oil / petroleum19
Oil and gas12
Oil and gas technology2
Oil processing plants3
Optics branch of physics1
Sakhalin A2
Sakhalin S2
SAP tech.2
Security systems2
Thermal engineering1