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jugum ['dʒuːgəm] nstresses
gen. хомут, ярмо (Chita)
bot., zool. югум
Gruzovik, biol. югум ([botany] one of the ridges commonly found on the fruit of umbelliferous plants; [zoology] in the Brachiopoda, such as Spirifer, Cyrtina, etc., a part of the shelly internal supporting skeleton which joins the bases of the two spirally coiled ribbons or spiralia; [entomology] a small lobe projecting backward from the basal inner margin of the fore wing in the Jugatæ, which extends under the costal margin of the hind wing, holding the pair together)
Gruzovik, bot. кряж
Gruzovik, entomol. югальное седло (a yokelike structure in certain insects that joins the forewings to the hind wings, keeping them together during flight)
med. возвышение (Chita)
paleont. югальная область крыла
jugum of insects ['dʒuːgəm] n
Gruzovik, entomol. перемычка (a yokelike structure in certain insects that joins the forewings to the hind wings, keeping them together during flight)
jugum of plants ['dʒuːgəm] n
Gruzovik, bot. перемычка (1. a pair of the opposite leaflets of a pinnate plant; 2. one of the ridges commonly found on the fruit of umbelliferous plants)
: 2 phrases in 1 subject