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ipe nstresses
gen. ипе (/ˈi.peɪ/ бразильский орех / A type of wood of the genus Tabebuia, similar to teak, used for outdoor decking and furniture. Kinglet); бразильский орех (/ˈi.peɪ/ ипе – / A type of wood of the genus Tabebuia, similar to teak, used for outdoor decking and furniture. Kinglet)
chem. изопропиловый эфир (astranelly)
IPE abbr.
electric. защитное заземление КИП (Segun)
oil Международная выставка нефтяного оборудования (International Petroleum Exposition); МНБ /ЛМНБ (Лондонская) международная нефтяная биржа; International Petroleum Exchange; Из словаря Е. Хартукова Seo)
ophtalm. iris pigment epithelium, пигментный эпителий радужки (doc090)
 English thesaurus
IPE abbr.
abbr. instrument protective earth (Segun); ideal polarizable electrode; completely polarizable electrode
abbr., avia. Institute of Plant Engineers; in process error
abbr., el. incremental programming environment; information processing environment; internal photoemission; interpret parity error; inverse photoemission; Ion & Plasma Equipment Incorporated
abbr., mil. intelligence preparation of the environment; individual protection equipment
abbr., mil., avia. image processing equipment; improved increased performance engine
abbr., textile individual protection ensemble
O&G island plant East
IPE abbr.
abbr. Initial Prorated Entitlement; International Pigs Of Espionage; International Political Economy; Institute of Production Engineers; Integrated Programming Environment; Intelligence Production Element; Institution of Plant Engineers
abbr., avia. Ipil, Philippines; improved performance engine; in-band parameter exchange
abbr., dril. International Petroleum Encyclopaedia
abbr., earth.sc. inverse photoelectric effect
abbr., HR International Position Evaluation System (GilGelad)
abbr., IT Integrated Parameter Edit; Instructor Performance Evaluation
abbr., med. Infectious Porcine Encephalomyelitis; Interstitial Pulmonary Emphysema; Iris Pigment Epithelium
abbr., mil. Individual Protective Equipment; individual protective equipment
abbr., mil., WMD integrated plant exercise
abbr., nucl.pow. investment protection earthquake (Similar to DBE, but in this case the design shall ensure restarting and operation after the event without special maintenance or test Ananaska)
abbr., oil initial potential estimated; installing pumping equipment; International Petroleum Exposition; install ing pumping equipment; Institute of Petroleum Engineering; institute of petroleum of England; intensity of petroleum use; International Petroleum Economics; International Petroleum Encyclopedia; irreducible phase errors; isopropyl ether
abbr., org.name. Informal Panel of Experts
abbr., progr., IT Individualized Plan For Employment
abbr., scottish Image Processing Equipment; Increased Performance Engine; Integral Protective Entrances
abbr., space increased-performance engine; improved-performance engine; Institution of Production Engineers
abbr., st.exch. International Petroleum Exchange
mil. industrial plant equipment; industrial production equipment; information processing equipment
tech. individual plant examination; integrated plant evaluation; interactive programming environment; internetwork packet exchange
: 16 phrases in 6 subjects
Building structures2
Mechanic engineering2
Weapons of mass destruction8