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IOP adj.stresses
gen. ВГД (внутриглазное давление – intraocular pressure – Geifman Юрий Гейфман); внутриглазное давление; Международные организации-партнёры (International Organization Partners ellegresse)
comp., net. процессор ввода-вывода
Gruzovik, econ. независимо от процентной ставки (irrespective of percentage; пометка на финансовых документах по выплатам по ценным бумагам и страховым полисам)
O&G НОП (MichaelBurov); нерастворимый органический полимер (MichaelBurov)
 English thesaurus
IOP abbr.
abbr., busin. input-output processer; irrespective of percentage
abbr., commer. Institute of Packaging
abbr., earth.sc. informational ordered process; integrated operating plan; intensive observation periods; Iranian Oil Participants, Ltd.
abbr., nucl.pow. The Institute of Physics (Iryna_mudra)
abbr., oil intensive observing period; input/output pulse; Institute of Plumbing; International Organization of Palaeobotany
abbr., space infrared optical package; input/output package; integrate-on-pad
abbr., sport. independent Olympic participant
iop abbr.
abbr. interoperability
IOP abbr.
abbr. Integrated Occupational Program; International Operations Personnel; Input/Output Processor; Institute of Painters in Oil Colours; Institute of Petroleum; International Indian Ocean Fishery Survey Program; irrespective of percentage (независимо от процентной ставки Yuriy83)
abbr., avia. Ioma, Papua New Guinea; Implementation and Interoperability; Infrastructure Optimization Program; in-orbit plane; individual operating plan; integrated operation plan; internal operation plan
abbr., comp., net. I/O processor; input-output processor
abbr., ed. Intensive Office Procedures
abbr., ed., scient. Institute Of Physics
abbr., el. isolation through oxide and polysilicon; illegal operation; information object definition; input/output priority; input/output program; integrated optics package; intelligence operations; inter-ORB protocol
abbr., IT In Out Permanently; Input/ Output Processor
abbr., med. Improving Organizational Performance; Intraocular Pressure; Intensive Outpatient Program; intraocular pressure; idiopathic orthostatic hypotension
abbr., mil. Interface Operating Procedures; interface operating procedure
abbr., mil., air.def. input/output processing
abbr., nautic., scient. Intensive Observation Period
abbr., O&G insoluble organic polymer (MichaelBurov)
abbr., optometr. In Optometry topic
abbr., physiol. Intra-Ocular Pressure
abbr., physiol., med. Intra Ocular Pressure; Intraocular pressure
abbr., plast.surg. interorbital distance
abbr., progr., IT Installed Optional Package
abbr., tradem. Isle Of Palms
mil. inspection operation procedure; installation operating program; integrated obstacle plan; integrated ordnance packing; interim operating procedure; internal operating procedure
tech. input/output port; input/output processing unit; integrated-on-pad; interim operating procedures
IOP-/+ abbr.
O&G input open
: 9 phrases in 6 subjects
Computer networks1