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imminent ['ɪmɪnənt] adj.stresses
не путать с eminent; не путать с immanent
gen. надвигающийся (об опасности, угрозе и т.п.: imminent unconsciousness • The implication was clear: the Fed was trying to ward off an imminent recession.); неминуемый (the imminent threat of invasion The system is in imminent danger of collapse. An announcement about his resignation is imminent. An attack seems imminent. oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com ZalinaSpeaks); могущий произойти в ближайшее время (Last week US officials said they had no sign of an imminent attack. • Meanwhile, Russia’s proxies in eastern Ukraine stepped up their claims of an imminent Ukrainian attack on Friday with the evacuation announcement. • Russia has amassed more than 100,000 troops near Ukraine's border in recent weeks, according to US estimates, raising fears from Western and Ukrainian intelligence officials that an invasion could be imminent. cnn.com 4uzhoj); нависший (об опасности, угрозе и т.п. В.И.Макаров); близкий (особ. об опасности, угрозе и т. п.: It was triggered by the prospect of imminent death. In 1999 he found that he had kidney cancer and, in 2001, that the cancer had spread to his liver and lungs.); скорый (It was "a curious thing' for a man under thirty to predict his imminent death.); предстоящий (В.И.Макаров); грозящий (в нек. случаях будет предпочтителен перевод с заменой части речи: The operation was launched because there was a fear that the men's lives were in imminent danger. – ...их жизни были в опасности. • Rather, they said, it was the imminent death of the hunger strikers that stepped up the political pressure this week. – ...именно угроза смерти участников голодовки); угрожающий; грядущий (Баян); могущий произойти вот-вот (требует замены конструкции ); близящийся (в нек. случаях будет предпочтителен перевод с заменой части речи: Meanwhile, Russia’s proxies in eastern Ukraine stepped up their claims of an imminent Ukrainian attack on Friday with the evacuation announcement. • With the election imminent, Churchill returned to London. – Близились выборы / Выборы были уже близко... • Reports of negotiations have persisted since the Wall Street Journal reported last month that a buyout was imminent. 4uzhoj); ожидаемый в скором времени (imminent decision • New and imminent arrivals from Hornby and Bachmann. В.И.Макаров); неминуемый; неизбежный
context. острый (об угрозе 4uzhoj)
el. срочный; немедленный; близкий; надвигающийся
 English thesaurus
imminent ['ɪmɪnənt] adj.
gen. if you say that something is imminent, especially something unpleasant, you mean it is almost certain to happen very soon (There appeared no imminent danger. • They warned that an attack is imminent. collinsdictionary.com); liable to happen soon; impending (collinsdictionary.com); likely to occur at any moment; impending (Her death is imminent. collinsdictionary.com); likely to happen without delay; impending; threatening (said of danger, evil, misfortune: But this isn’ t the first time a world leader constructed a wall between himself and those he deemed imminent threats. collinsdictionary.com); ready to take place; happening soon (… systems engineers have become rather blasé about the imminent liftoff. • Often used of something bad or dangerous seen as menacingly near: imminent disaster • Like books, board games appear headed for imminent demise at the hands of cathode-ray terminals. merriam-webster.com); an event that is imminent, especially an unpleasant one, will happen very soon (imminent danger/threat/death/disaster etc : The child was in imminent danger of falling into the water. • With the election imminent, Churchill returned to London. • Reports of negotiations have persisted since the Wall Street Journal reported last month that a buyout was imminent. • That is why the imminent decisions are so vital. • Immediately David Stirling ordered Johnny Cooper to rescue their car from imminent destruction. • The implication was clear: the Fed was trying to ward off an imminent recession. ldoceonline.com); about to happen (How could the mother have imagined the imminent danger that was closing in on her son? • This alarm will sound if opened by a small child to alert parents of the imminent danger. • Tiles have fallen from the roof of the small chapel and the entrance archway looks in danger of imminent collapse. • The fourth scenario is similar to the third except that the danger is not as imminent. • I will tell you that it did not appear to be a terrorist event and there is no imminent threat. • In the end, is it about imminent threats or about picking fights you can win? • A number of groups are trying to save our lighthouses in the face of this imminent threat. • But the imminent threat of recession was not the economic fundamental he had in mind. • In the new era which Mark believes is dawning, the temple is rejected and its imminent destruction is expected. • These Lutherans were pietist and puritanical, expecting the imminent apocalypse. • A falcon with regard to an expected visitor indicates imminent news or arrival. • The second is messianism, the expectation of imminent transformation of the world. • That leaves the question of how immediate or imminent the threatened violence needs to be. • It was hard to sit in one and not expect the imminent arrival of the drinks trolley. • The imminent use of biological weapons and the threat of millions of deaths is not a laughing matter. • Overall then, there's no sign the payout is in danger, nor any sign of imminent share price fireworks. • As we spoke, the siren of an approaching ambulance warned of the imminent arrival of yet another victim. • The expectation among outsiders oscillates between an imminent rise and an early cut in rates. • An imminent merger means that his colleagues are all threatened with redundancy. • The only difference is that the threat from the former is real and imminent and part of an ongoing development programme. lexico.com)
arch., literal. jutting out or overhanging (collinsdictionary.com); projecting or leaning forward; overhanging (collinsdictionary.com); overhanging (hanging or extending outwards over something lexico.com)
: 81 phrases in 26 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Applied mathematics1
Aviation medicine3
Figure of speech2
Foreign trade1
Maritime law & Law of the Sea2
Occupational health & safety1
Oil / petroleum2
Security systems2