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ie ['i:ei] nstresses
comp., net. Ирландия (название домена верхнего уровня User)
telecom. то есть (oleg.vigodsky)
IE abbr.
abbr. ИП (индивидуальный предприниматель – individual entrepreneur shergilov)
dril. погрешность инструмента или прибора (index error); погрешность инструмента (index error); погрешность прибора (index error)
Gruzovik, IT информационная инженерия (information engineering)
Gruzovik, polit. промышленный шпионаж (industrial espionage)
Gruzovik, scient. организация производства (industrial engineering)
math. влияние взаимодействия (interaction effect); эффект взаимодействия (interaction effect)
med. ишемическая энцефалопатия (ischemic encephalopathy Карбоника)
IEС abbr.
chromat. ионо-обменная хроматография (fruit_jellies)
 English thesaurus
ie ['i:ei] n
lat. id est (that is Vosoni)
IE abbr.
abbr. Import Export; In Explanation; Industrial Excellence; Inland Empire; Interior Exterior; Interlingue; Internet Exploder; Id Est; immunoelectrophoresis (иммуноэлектрофорез ochernen); Independent Evaluation (or Evaluator); Individual Education; Indo-European; Industrial Espionage; Inert Electrolyte; Instant Evaluation; Institute of Electronics; Institute of Engineers; Intelligent Encryption; Intentionally Enhanced; Interconnect Element; Internet Empire; that is
abbr., amer. Information and Education
abbr., anim.husb. Institute of Entomology (China)
abbr., avia. idle equipment; industrial industry engineering; installation error
abbr., chem., scient. Ionization Energy
abbr., comp., net. information engineering
abbr., comp., net., IT Information Exchange
abbr., ed., scient. In Example
abbr., el. image engine; information and entertainment; interference eliminator; inter-layer extra oxide defect; interrupt edge; ion etching; ionospheric explorer
abbr., el., scient. Information Electronics
abbr., foreig.aff. Initial Elements
abbr., IT Inference Engine; Information Element; Information Environment; Information Extraction; Industrial Engineer (ing); Information Engineer (ing); Integration Engineering
abbr., lab.eq. Isoelectric focusing
abbr., law, ADR individual entrepreneur (igisheva)
abbr., Makarov. initiating event; intermittent energization; ionization energy
abbr., med. Inspiratory Exerciser; Involvement Of A Single Extrahepatic Organ Or Site (Ann Arbor Staging System For Hodgkin Disease); Interrupt Enable; immunizing unit
abbr., mil., air.def. Internet EYE
abbr., mil., avia. impact energy
abbr., oil instrument earth
abbr., physiol., med. Immunity Enhancement; Infective Endocarditis; Inner ear
abbr., polit. Ireland
abbr., polym. index error
abbr., progr., IT Internet Explorer
abbr., scient. Industrial Engineering; Intermediate Education
energ.ind. initial event; inspection and enforcement; interaction efficiency; isentropic efficiency
mil. infrared emission; initial equipment; installation equipment; instrument error; intelligence estimate; interconnection equipment
O&G intercom exchange
tech. industrial electronics; integrated electronics; internal environment; internal-combustion; interrupt enable; ionization chamber; irradiation effect
IE abbr.
abbr. indicator equipment; Institution of Engineers; internal environmental; ionization efficiency
abbr., avia. IE Instructor and evaluator (Elena-LS); ignition exciter
abbr., busin. international exhibition
abbr., earth.sc. impaction energies; index of error; index of eutrophication; Institution of Engineers (Australia); intermediate elevation; ion-exchange
abbr., econ. import and export
abbr., IT instruction element
abbr., life.sc. isoelectric equilibrium; immunoelectrophoresis
abbr., oil instrument engineer; integral equation; internal energy; interpolation error; investment efficiency; investment executive
abbr., pulm. Inspiration Expiration ratio (iwona)
abbr., space Institution of electronics; interest expression; ionosphere explorers
abbr., sport. inside edge
abbr., virol. immediate early (iwona)
IE% abbr.
abbr., med. Ratio of immature erythrocytes (coltuclu)
: 19 phrases in 9 subjects
Energy industry1
Information technology1