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home cookingstresses
box. домашнее судейство (If you are a German, or Eastern European fighting in Germany, you can hardly lose unless your opponent KOs you especially if you hold a belt). Hell was that Robin Reid that was told not to throw punches against Ottke? If you are fighting a British belt-holder in Britain, you cannot win unless you KO him. You can have a massive cut like Barrera against Khan and they will let it go on, and a minor cut like McCloskey will have different rules if it happens in a later round. Ward makes sure to fight in his home base in Cauli-fornia.He can head butt you to death there. Bute and Pascal in Canada. Bute v Andrade I with what the ref did was a travesty. Home cooking may be fun for the fans in the seats there, but on TV for the rest of the world, it sullies boxing. Home cooking is probably the worst thing in boxing today.Can it be countered by the opponent insisiting on foreign refs and judges? Or does money talk? boxingscene.com mirAcle)
chess.term. нахождение новинки в домашней лаборатории
cook. простая домашняяпища (Andrey Truhachev); домашняя кухня (Andrey Truhachev); домашняя еда (Andrey Truhachev); домашний стол (Andrey Truhachev)
prop.&figur. домашние заготовки (e.g. to bring plenty of home cooking to the table Халеев); наработки (Халеев)
slang доставляющий удовольствие; привлекательный; приятный
home cooking
: 6 phrases in 3 subjects