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high-density airspace control zonestresses
mil. диспетчерская зона воздушного пространства с высокой интенсивностью полётов
NATO зона УВД высокой интенсивности полётов
high-density airspace control zones
mil. зона УВД высокой интенсивности полётов (HIDACZ)
NATO зона УВД высокой интенсивности полётов
 English thesaurus
high-density airspace control zone
USA Airspace designated in an airspace control plan or airspace control order in which there is a concentrated employment of numerous and varied weapons and airspace users (JP 3-52)
high density airspace control zone
mil., logist. Airspace designated in an airspace control plan or airspace control order in which there is a concentrated employment of numerous and varied weapons and airspace users. A high-density airspace control zone has defined dimensions which usually coincide with geographical features or navigational aids. Access to a high-density airspace control zone is normally controlled by the maneuvre commander. The maneuver commander can also direct a more restrictive weapons status within the high-density airspace control zone. (FRA)