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Health and Wellnessstresses
gen. основы безопасности жизнедеятельности (предмет (из транскрипат Indiana University Southeast) // Health and Wellness is a one-semester course that should provide content and learning experiences in nutrition, disease prevention, human growth and development, healthy life skills, personal health and safety, community health and promotion, decision-making skills, interpersonal communication skills, and information regarding the use and abuse of medications, alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs. The course content should focus on personal health and wellness and the practice of health-enhancing behaviors to avoid or reduce health risks 4uzhoj); здоровье и благополучие (Belka_me)
ed. валеология (Nika Franchi)
gen. посвящённый здоровью и поддержанию хорошей физической формы (Alex_Odeychuk)
health and wellness
ed. основы безопасности жизнедеятельности (предмет в школе и институте) Английский вариат взят из зачетно-экзаменационной ведомости (транскрипта) Indiana University Southeast. // Health and Wellness is a one-semester course that should provide content and learning experiences in nutrition, disease prevention, human growth and development, healthy life skills, personal health and safety, community health and promotion, decision-making skills, interpersonal communication skills, and information regarding the use and abuse of medications, alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs. The course content should focus on personal health and wellness and the practice of health-enhancing behaviors to avoid or reduce health risks 4uzhoj)
health and wellness
: 5 phrases in 2 subjects