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full-time studentsstresses
gen. студенты-очники (▪ Part-time students take either one or two courses a year and attend the same daytime classes as full-time students. ▪ Kerrie, another full-time student, feels the whistle of the ax as it swings by, just above her head. ▪ The college is also considering issuing passes to all full-time students. ▪ He was now, as dancers are for all their lives, a full-time student. ▪ Suppose one wants to take a sample of full-time students of a university. ▪ This is because full-time students will only have to pay one fifth of the Personal Community Charge. 2. ▪ Every full-time student at Darlington College of Technology will be able to travel abroad by 1994, according to a new report. ▪ The most vulnerable were full-time students over 19; students from lower social classes; lone parents and couples with children. LDOCE Alexander Demidov)
full-time student
ed. студент, обучающийся в режиме полной нагрузки (т.е. 12 и более часов в неделю (кредитов): Применительно к США, не путать с очной формой обучения. Данный термин означает именно количество кредитов, при этом студент может обучаться как очно, так и заочно. Mary Kuligina); студент стационарного обучения
full-time students
: 5 phrases in 2 subjects