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forward arming and refueling pointstresses
mil. передовой пункт пополнения боекомплекта и дозаправки топливом
mil., avia. передовой пункт вооружения и дозаправки (поле вблизи линии фронта, где вертолёты могут безопасно приземлиться, чтобы дозаправиться, пополнить боекомплект и улететь, прежде чем противник сможет нанести по ним удар Alex_Odeychuk)
Forward Arming and Refueling Point
mil. передовой пункт боепитания и заправки горючим вертолётов
 English thesaurus
forward arming and refueling point
mil., logist. Temporary facility organized, equipped and deployed by an army aviation command and usually located in the combat zone closer to the principal operations area than the combat support area of the army aviation unit. This is where the maneuver units of the army aviation in action are rearmed and refueled. The aircraft can be simultaneously refueled and rearmed. (FRA); Conventionally identified location on the terrain, permitting to either carry out short-lasting rendezvous operations for the squadrons and road-bound or air assets tasked with supply or fixing, or to set up a tactical CP utility helicopter CP, or to camouflage a nearby unit awaiting an intervention. These geographic positions are scattered throughout the zone of action. (FRA)
USA A temporary facility, organized, equipped, and deployed to provide fuel and ammunition necessary for the employment of aviation maneuver units in combat (JP 3-09.3)