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for-profit businessstresses
busin. коммерческое предприятие (частное: A penthouse owner who Vancouver police have accused of hosting large parties and a "makeshift nightclub" inside his residence has filed an official complaint against the department. This past Sunday, police said while executing a warrant, they found a nightclub and show lounge operating inside the man's 1,100-square-foot apartment – saying it was "packed" with people. "Our officers found 78 people inside the three-level apartment, and none of them were wearing masks," said VPD Sgt. Steve Addison. "There were menus, tables, point-of-sale terminals, and cash tills." --- Breaking health regulations? Illegally operating a for-profit business in a residential space? Yeah, good luck with that complaint, buddy-boy! (Twitter) dailyhive.com ART Vancouver); частное коммерческое предприятие (термин применяется в тех случаях, когда нужно подчеркнуть статус фирмы для внесения ясности ART Vancouver)
for-profit business
: 2 phrases in 1 subject