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noun | adjective | to phrases
feat [fi:t] nstresses
no small feat; no mean feat; feat of arms
gen. задача (непростая: Raising six children who all went on to be doctors was a tough feat for us. • Getting permission to teach senior English has not been an easy feat.); свершение (I consider scaling Mount Blanc my greatest physical feat of my life. Tiny Tony); подвиг (You took Winterfell with fewer than thirty men, a feat to sing of. • the brave feats of ordinary foot soldiers • Arranging the treaty was a diplomatic feat Vadim Rouminsky); достижение (The trainees won twenty-nine of thirty races, a feat that may be unequaled at any level of the sport. • They climbed the mountain in 28 days, a remarkable feat. • A cargo ship is a huge and stable structure, a feat of engineering. • That was 24 years ago but now the Bees are pushing to repeat that feat. Vadim Rouminsky); выдающееся деяние (Vadim Rouminsky); выдающееся достижение (Upon Messner's return to civilization, his ascent was widely lauded as the greatest mountaineering feat of all time. • In a feat of modern aircraft design and engineering, Johnson's team built the first U-2 spy plane in only eighty-eight days.); проявление большой ловкости; достижение искусства; мастерство (He amazed everyone with his feats of legerdemain.); умение; проявление ловкости; искусство (She performed remarkable feats of organization for the company. • It was as the meerkats were hauling the fish out of the pond, displaying real feats of teamwork, that I noticed something curious: every fish, without exception, was already dead. ); ловкость; дело (в знач. "достижение": "We have accomplished great feats today," she said.); сила (Using the code requires incredible feats of memory.); хитрость; штука; проделка
circus трюк (acrobatic circus feats • The circus acrobats perform amazing feats on the trapeze. • Ladies and gentlemen, what you're about to witness is a feat so daring, so dangerous, even the great Houdini dared not attempt it. • Our house was a combination three-ring circus and zoo, complete with ongoing action, daring feats, music, and animals. • When they left, half the Pickwell kids followed them, begging Mars to perform his legendary feat of stopping traffic.)
context. цель (Macron promised to restore the landmark church within five years – a feat which most experts doubt as realistic.); испытание (Raising six children who all went on to be doctors was a tough feat for us.); чудо (I wish we could keep running, but it's a feat that my legs are even moving at this point. • The international space station is an amazing feat of engineering. • an incredible feat of agility 4uzhoj)
obs. делать; обделывать
slang прядь волос, ниспадающая на лоб (TheSpinningOne)
feat [fi:t] adj.
gen. подходящий (for, to); годный; проворный; опрятный; изящный; к лицу (идущий; о платье)
arch. for, to подходящий; идущий к лицу (о платье)
ironic. прекрасный
obs. искусный; ловкий
feat. adj.
mus. при участии (сокр. от featuring Tpaku4)
 English thesaurus
feat [fi:t] n
gen. exploit; an impressive and difficult achievement; courageous, daring act; a remarkable, skilful, or daring action
FEAT [fi:t] abbr.
abbr. Families For Early Autism Treatment; Families For Effective Autism Treatment; Feelings Emotions And Thoughts
abbr., el. frequency of every allowable term
abbr., math., scient. Finite Element Analysis Toolkit
abbr., space final engineering acceptance test
feat. n
gen. featuring
mus. featuring (Tpaku4)
: 104 phrases in 10 subjects
Bookish / literary1
Obsolete / dated2