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ethical codestresses
gen. нормы добропорядочности; нормы нравственности; этические нормы и правила (Code of ethics or a code of conduct? (corporate or business ethics) Many companies use the phrases "ethical code' and 'code of conduct" interchangeably but it may be useful to make a distinction. A code of ethics will start by setting out the values that underpin the code and will describe a company's obligation to its stakeholders. The code is publicly available and addressed to anyone with an interest in the company's activities and the way it does business. It will include details of how the company plans to implement its values and vision, as well as guidance to staff on ethical standards and how to achieve them. However, a code of conduct is generally addressed to and intended for employees alone. It usually sets out restrictions on behavior, and will be far more compliance or rules focused than value or principle focused. Also this code is good for the Non Governmental Organization. WK Alexander Demidov)
cinema моральный кодекс
ethical code: 4 phrases in 2 subjects