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ED [ed] nstresses
el. редактор (1. лицо, осуществляющее редактирование 2. программа редактирования); монтажёр; монтажница
hindi Управление правоприменения (; Enforcement Directorate Шандор)
math. обнаружение ошибок (error detection)
med. эректильная дисфункция (fa158)
mining. разведочный штрек (Exploration drive Madi Azimuratov)
O&G, casp. экспериментальное моделирование (Yeldar Azanbayev)
org.name. Директор-исполнитель
pharma. эффективная доза (Andrey Truhachev)
progr. ДЭ (документация электронная ssn)
tax. акцизный налог (excise duty Montya)
Ed [ed] n
gen. Эд (мужское имя)
abbr. Эд
names Эдвин (Alex_Odeychuk); Эдмунд; Эдуард
O&G коэффициент дренирования пласта (MichaelBurov)
slang обыватель; консерватор
tech. угол вертикального наведения командно-дальномерного поста
ED50 [ed] n
mil., WMD средняя эффективная доза
ed [ed] adj.
gen. эд (мужское имя)
psychiat. расстройство пищевого поведения (eating disorder ElviVine)
ed. adj.
adv. редактор; издание
ED [ed] adj.
account. проект положения (exposure draft)
bank. без дивиденда (обозначение цены акции; ex dividend)
comp., net. внешнее устройство
el. электроосаждённый (Andrey Truhachev)
IT сверхвысокая плотность
math. эмпирическое распределение (empirical distribution)
med. Отделение неотложной помощи (emergency department fuckie); отделение реанимации и интенсивной терапии (Andrey Truhachev); реаниматология (Andrey Truhachev)
O&G расчётная оцененная глубина ("estimated depth" Углов)
photo. линзы из оптического стекла со сверхнизкой дисперсией (напр., в фотообъективах Pothead)
ED [ed] abbr.
gen. продолжительность периода изгнания крови из левого желудочка (left ventricle ejection dura tion paseal)
el. режиссёр монтажа; монтажный пульт
IT электролюминесцентный дисплей с излучающим отображением матричного типа
textile эластодиеновое волокно (Elastodiene Yuriy83)
unit.meas. ПВ (продолжительность включения (от нем. Einschaltdauer) в % времени, рабочий цикл (duty cycle), применяется в автоматике Амбарцумян)
ed [ed] prep.
genet. были определёны генотипы (typist); генотипы были определёны (typist)
 English thesaurus
ED [ed] abbr.
abbr., cardiol. end-diastolic (igisheva); end of diastole (igisheva)
abbr., clin.trial. epidermal (igisheva); epidermally (igisheva)
abbr., med. egg donation (Баян)
abbr., st.exch. Executing Dealer ('More)
Ed [ed] abbr.
abbr. dielectric constant at 60 cycles
Ed. abbr.
abbr. Edinburgh
abbr., earth.sc. editor
abbr., econ. ex dividend
ed [ed] abbr.
abbr. edit; edition; editorial; educate; educated; education; educational; ex-dividend; experimental designing; extra dividend
med. eating disorder (asia_nova)
ed. abbr.
abbr. edited; edited by; edition; published by
ED [ed] abbr.
abbr. Earnings Difference; Economic Development; Enterprise Director; Executive Director; Exposure Draft; Economic dimension; Edison Daven; Education Department; election district; exercise day; Elvis's Doctor; Embedded Dictionary; End Delimiter (FDDI, Token Ring); engine drive; Enhanced Density; EUCOM Directive; European Capability Datum; Export Declaration; External Deflector; Effective Dose
abbr., adv. every day
abbr., AI. Energy Detection
abbr., anim.husb. Entner Doudoroff pathway
abbr., auto. ECM data; electric device; electric drive; electro-deposited coating; emission diagnostic; electronic differential
abbr., avia. emergency distress call (signal); end of display; engineering directive; entry door; environmental deterioration; experimental duties; external dimension; extrusion die
abbr., avia., med. explosive decompression
abbr., biol. embryonic disc
abbr., BrE efficiency decoration
abbr., cartogr. existence doubtful
abbr., chem. electron donor
abbr., chem., scient. Extrusion Direction
abbr., comp., net. error detection; external device
abbr., ed. Extremely Disappointing; Doctor of Engineering (Vosoni)
abbr., ed., scient. English Department
abbr., el. edge detection; electrochromic display; electrolytically deposited; electronic dialog; electronic distributor; electrophoretic deposition technology; electrostatic deflector; electrostatic discharge; energy dispersion; energy distribution; envelope detector; epitaxial deposition; etched depth; Ethernet driver; event determination; extrinsic gettering; extended density; ending delimiter
abbr., el., scient. Electrodeposited; Enterprise Development
abbr., electr.eng. economic dispatch; electrical drawing
abbr., file.ext. Editor temporary file (MS C); Erase Display
abbr., HF.electr. electrodeposited
abbr., IT editor; electroluminescent display; end delimiter; extra-high density
abbr., lab.eq. Extracellular Domain
abbr., law Enforcement Droid; Extra Description
abbr., med. Ectodermal Dysplasia; Ehlers-Danlos (syndrome); erythema dose; erectile dysfunction; exposure day (день экспозиции Dimpassy); effective dose (эффективная доза Dimpassy); emergency department (Andrey Truhachev); essential drug (Mumma); economically deprived; enuresis diurnal; epidural; epileptiform discharge; external defibrillator; Elbow Disarticulation
abbr., media. excellent definition
abbr., mil. Early Deployment; Effective Date; Engineering Development; Evolutionary Development; envelope delay; evaluation directive
abbr., mil., air.def. elementary detection
abbr., NATO Economic Dimension
abbr., O&G, sakh. engineering down
abbr., oil displacement efficiency; dynamic elasticity modulus of deformation
abbr., org.name. Director Ejecutivo; Directora Ejecutiva
abbr., pest.contr. electrochargeable liquid
abbr., phys. Electron Device (Vosoni)
abbr., physiol. Efferent Ductule; Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome; Embryonic Disk; Emergency Department; Endothelial Dysfunction; Excretory Duct
abbr., physiol., med. Early Death; Eating Disorder; Edema; Emergency department; Erectile Dysfunction
abbr., polym. effective doze; endodicyciopentadiene dioxide
abbr., progr. electronic documentation (ssn)
abbr., scottish Engineering Dynamics Southern Ltd (UK); Ethyldichloroarsine (Chemical warfare blister agent)
abbr., sec.sys., IT Encryption Device
abbr., shipb. experiment duties
abbr., st.exch. Consolidated Edison, Inc.
abbr., stat. Empirical Distribution (Vosoni)
abbr., tech. Electronic Dummy (Vosoni)
abbr., transp. Effective Diameter
abbr., UN Extreme Democracy
ecol. effective dosage
energ.ind. educational needs; emergency diagnostics; extrapolation distance
invest. ex dividend
mil. earliest date; Eastern district; electronic deception; electronic device; emergency destruction; enemy dead; engineering data; engineering department; engineering design; engineering development; engineering duty; estimated data; estimated date; excused from duty; executive directive; experimental data; experimental development; exploratory development; explosive device; extra duty
mil., med. emergency department; effective dose
railw. rail motor car
st.exch. equity deposit (dimock)
tech. electrical differential; electrodialysis; electrodynamic; electronic decoy; electronic display; erase digital signal; exhaust damper; expanded display; extra-high-density
Ed [ed] abbr.
abbr. drainage efficiency (MichaelBurov); edited; edenite
abbr., names, dimin. Edgar; Edmund; Edward; Edwin
cartogr. Edinburgh
ED50 [ed] abbr.
abbr., mil., WMD median effective dose
ED [ed] abbr.
abbr. Electrical Department; electrical difference; ethyl dichlorarsine; ethylidene acetate; experimental duty
abbr., avia. edge distance; EICAS display; electrostatic discharger; engineering dataset; engineering division; edge device; emergency distance; end of data; ending delimiter; envelop drawing; expedited data
abbr., busin. Employment Department; equipment depot; Estate Duty; extra duties
abbr., chem. estradiol
abbr., commer. entry/exit declaration
abbr., comp. external display
abbr., earth.sc. electrochemical deposition; electrodeposition; electrodialyzer; electronic differential analyzer; end-of-data; environmental disruption; equilibrium dialysis; estuarine dynamics; euphotic depth; European Datum; existing dams; Experimental Department; exponential distribution; extremely depleted
abbr., IT electronic dialogue; electronic dictionary; esaki diode; enciphered data
abbr., med. encephalomyelitis disseminata (Лорина)
abbr., multimed. extra high density
abbr., oil east departure; emergency download; efficiency displacement; electric drill; electrical dipole; electron diffraction; electronic design; electronic differential digital analyzer; emergency device; empirical design; energy dispersive; engineering document; enumeration district; epicentral distance; equivalent depth; error detecting; Eurodollar; evaporating dish; expansion-deflection; expire date; external delay
abbr., pharm. elemental diet
abbr., space electro-dynamics; emergency distress signal; end of descent; energy dispersal; engineering demonstration; environmental damage
: 237 phrases in 64 subjects
American usage, not spelling2
Amphibians and reptiles3
Automated equipment8
Drug-related slang1
Electrical engineering1
Information security and data protection1
International Monetary Fund1
Journalism terminology7
Mass media4
Names and surnames1
Pharmacy and pharmacology1
Power system protection15
Quality control and standards3
Thermal engineering1
Weapons of mass destruction2