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DTL adj.stresses
comp., net. линия передачи данных
IT диодно-транзисторная логика; ди-однотранзисторная логика
tech. диодно-транзисторная логическая схема
dtl abbr.
tech. ДТЛ
 English thesaurus
DTL abbr.
abbr. Detroit Testing Laboratory
abbr., comp. diode transistor logic (circuit)
abbr., earth.sc. deep-limed/tilled soil
abbr., IT dark true logic
abbr., oil damage treatment language; deflection temperature under load; delivering the limit; delta time limiting; delta time log; delta time long spacing
dtl abbr.
abbr. detail
dtl. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. detail
DTL abbr.
abbr., account. deferred tax liabilities (Irina Verbitskaya)
abbr., automat. data table library
abbr., avia. Detroit Lakes, Minnesota USA; dead time log; definite time limit; direct to line; drawing translation list
abbr., comp., net. data transmission line; Designated Transit List
abbr., el. destine transmit list; digital terrestrial link; direct time lock; double transistor logic
abbr., el., scient. Delay time multiplier; Device test module; Digital terrain map; Diode transistor logic
abbr., file.ext. Dialogue Tag Language (IBM)
abbr., IT Document Type Language; Draw The Line
abbr., mil. designator target line
abbr., nano diode-transistor locomotion
abbr., O&G, sakh. Drilling The Limit
abbr., oil differential temperature log; drill-through-leg platform; dual-spaced thermal decay log
abbr., scottish Diode-Transistor Logic
abbr., securit. degree of total leverage
abbr., st.exch. Dal- Tile International, Inc.
comp. digital tracking loop
O&G definite time lag
tech. digital transistor logic; diode transistor logic; direct-to-line; discharge-time lag
DtL abbr.
abbr. drilling to the limit
O&G, sakh. Drilling the Limit (Shell)
: 13 phrases in 7 subjects
Computer networks2
Mass media5