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noun | abbreviation | to phrases
dor [dɔ:] nstresses
gen. жук (майский, навозный); насекомое, жужжащее во время полёта (жук); шмель (насекомое); трутень (насекомое)
agric. жук навозный обыкновенный
entomol. жук-навозник (Geotrupes stercorarius)
dorк n
slang дебил (Anglophile); придурок (Anglophile)
dorэ n
goldmin. сплав Доре (золото-серебряный сплав, получаемый на золоторудных месторождениях и отправляемый на аффинажные заводы для последующей очистки. Ying)
DOR [dɔ:] abbr.
abbr. распределение обязанностей (distribution of responsibilities peksev)
busin. дата ратификации (date of ratification)
IT цифровая оптическая запись
tech. направление вращения (direction of rotation twinkie)
Dor [dɔ:] n
bible.term. г. Дор (I Chronicles denghu)
geol. дорогомиловский возраст (MichaelBurov); дорогомиловский ярус (MichaelBurov); дорогомилово (MichaelBurov); дорогомиловский век (MichaelBurov); дорогомиловское время (MichaelBurov)
DOR [dɔ:] abbr.
med. снижение овариального резерва (Diminished ovarian reserve (DOR) is a condition in which the ovary loses its normal reproductive potential, compromising fertility. 'More)
O&G коэффицент дозирования диспергатора (dispersant:oil ratio – вида 1:n (1 часть диспергатора на n частей нефти) Motivator)
DoR [dɔ:] abbr.
clin.trial. ДО длительности ответа (vdengin)
 English thesaurus
DOR [dɔ:] abbr.
abbr. Drop On Recall; Deadly Orgone Rays; Directorate of Operational Requirements; Directorate of Operational Research; Delegation of responsibility
abbr., avia. Dori, Burkina Faso
abbr., ed., scient. Drop On Request; Dropped On Request
abbr., el. data output rate; design objective reliability; double optical resonance
abbr., file.ext. Digital Output Relay
abbr., IT Display Order Record; digital optical recording; Digital Optical Recorder
abbr., labor.org. Daily operation report (Val_Ships); Daily operation records (Val_Ships)
abbr., law Department of Revenue
abbr., med. Diagnostic odds ratio (iwona)
abbr., mil. Date Of Release
abbr., mil., WMD daily operations report
abbr., physiol., med. Dynastic Organ Revitaliser
abbr., relig. Daughters Of Rebecca
abbr., scottish Director of Operational Requirements (UK; Sea; Sea)
abbr., st.exch. Endorex Corporation
abbr., well.contr. drop off rate
energ.ind. heavy-water-moderated and organic-cooled reactor
law, abbr. Department of Revenue (Washington)
mil. daily operational report; date of rank; date of request; dropped on request; dropped own request
tech. direct oxide reduction; division of operating reactors
Dor [dɔ:] n
geol. Dorogomilovskian sequence (MichaelBurov); Dorogomilovskian Stage (MichaelBurov); Dorogomilovskian (MichaelBurov); Dorogomilovskian Age (MichaelBurov); Dorogomilovskian strata (MichaelBurov); Dorogomilovskian time (MichaelBurov)
lat. Dorado (the Goldfish, Золотая Рыба Vosoni)
DoR [dɔ:] abbr.
abbr. duration of response (Игорь_2006)
DOR [dɔ:] abbr.
abbr. Department of Operational Research
abbr., earth.sc. Danish Offshore Regulations; dispersant-to-oil ratio; drought of record
abbr., oil depth of relief; Division of Oceanographic Research
DoR [dɔ:] abbr.
abbr. Deed of Release (kee46)
: 12 phrases in 7 subjects