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distributed transaction coordinatorstresses
gen. координатор распределенных транзакций (Windows service Alexander Demidov)
comp., MS координатор распредёлённых транзакций (A service, integrated with COM+, that makes distributed transactions work. DTC makes it possible to scale transactions from one to many computers without the need for special code)
progr. координатор распределённых транзакций (сокр. DTC ssn)
distributed transactions coordinator
IT координатор распредёленных транзакций (Bricker)
 English thesaurus
Distributed Transaction Coordinator
IT, abbr. DTC (MS, SQL Server, DB)
distributed transaction coordinator A service, integrated with COM+, that makes distributed transactions work. DTC makes it possible to scale transactions from one to many computers without the need for special code
abbr., comp., MS DTC (Distributed Transaction Coordinator)
distributed transaction coordinator
: 1 phrase in 1 subject