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CW abbr.stresses
gen. химическая война; дроблёное зерно пшеницы (crushed wheat grain maxvet); телеграфия с амплитудной манипуляцией (Continuous Wave Oleg Sollogub); амплитудная телеграфия (Continuous Wave Oleg Sollogub); календарная неделя (calendar week Guatemala)
Gruzovik химический (chemical-warfare)
Игорь Миг химоружие; химическое оружие
auto. противовес (крана Nuntius); система предупреждения столкновений (Collision Warning Andreyka)
dog. победитель класса (class winner Himera)
dril. по часовой стрелке (clockwise)
geol. коровый волновод (MichaelBurov)
mil., avia., conv.notation. авианосец с самолётом вертикального взлёта и посадки
O&G, sakh. волна сжатия; незатухающая волна
oil.proc. cooling water, охлаждающая вода (Briciola25)
phys. незатухающие колебания; непрерывные колебания
slang свидетель, дающий показания (co-operating witness mahavishnu); свидетель, сотрудничающий со следствием (сокр. от co-operating witness mahavishnu)
telecom. непрерывный режим
cw abbr.
gen. непрерывное излучение (Olessya.85)
Makarov. несущая (carrier wave); трубопровод холодного водоснабжения (cold water); незатухающая гармоническая волна (continuous wave); по часовой стрелке (clockwise)
med. с непрерывной волной (continuous wave Alex Lilo); непрерывная волна (continuous wave Alex Lilo)
 English thesaurus
CW abbr.
abbr. carrier wave; Certifiable Whacko; Circle Wax; cold welding (Deel); chemical weapons; cosine wave (Vosoni); complete with; Churchwarden; Churdwarden; clockwise (MichaelBurov); calling waiting; constant wave (Vosoni); Canadian Westinghouse Co., Ltd.; composite wing; continuous wave transmission
abbr., auto. canister vent valve; collision warning; crosswind
abbr., automat. crater wear; customization window
abbr., avia. control wheel (Interex); clearway; cantilever wing; caution and warning; cold working; conical washer; control and warning
abbr., busin. cargo weight; cargo winch; carry with; child welfare; complied with; connected with; cooling water
abbr., cartogr. centre of wall
abbr., comp., net., IT Cable and Wireless; Congestion Window
abbr., comp.games. Clan War (Момент игры в Counter-Strike, Матч проводится 5 на 5. Daukaktau^^)
abbr., cytol. cell wall (клеточная стенка VasDoc)
abbr., earth.sc. Canada, West; canal water; carriage water; continuous waveform; crust of weathering
abbr., ed. Class Work
abbr., ed., scient. Course Work
abbr., el. cascading windows; clocked phase well; coexistence workstation; command word; condition of working room; conjugate wave; contact window; continuous work; corrugated waveguide; cut-off wavelength
abbr., el., scient. Carrier Wave
abbr., electr.eng. circulating water
abbr., exhib. chargeable weight
abbr., geol. crustal wave guide (MichaelBurov); crustal waveguide (MichaelBurov)
abbr., IT Canada West; Conventional Wisdom; continuous waves; clock wise
abbr., law Cooperating Witness
abbr., Makarov. cold water
abbr., med. Cancer Watch; Cell Wall; cardaic work (работа (производительность) сердца VasDoc); caseworker (патронажная сестра; санитарный активист VasDoc); children's ward (детская палата VasDoc); cardiac work; colored woman; crutch walking; cubic weight
abbr., met. cored wire (ipesochinskaya)
abbr., mil. Chemical Warfare; Combat Weapon; telegraphy (Киселев); chemical warfare; continuous wave; chemical warfare (война с применением химических отравляющих веществ VasDoc); current-wave; leaking munition
abbr., mil., avia., conv.notation. calculated weight
abbr., mil., WMD chemical weapon
abbr., nautic., scient. Clean Water
abbr., numism. Coin World
abbr., oil continuous weld; formation water conductivity; Camforge wellhead housing; casing weight; caustic waterflooding; chainwheel; completed with; composite wave; Computer World; conductivity of formation water; constant weight; control word; conventional wells; copper weld; coupled wave
abbr., physiol. Chest Wall
abbr., physiol., med. Chest wall
abbr., pigeon.race. Checker-white flight
abbr., polit. Cook Islands
abbr., radio wireless communication (Leonid Dzhepko); covers
abbr., scient. Cold Weather
abbr., shipb. casing wall
abbr., silic. cement-water ratio
abbr., space continuous
abbr., st.exch. Curtiss Wright Corporation
abbr., tech. Cooling Water (Gasification Technology Conference ArigaB)
abbr., transf. Chop Wave (Natalya Rovina)
abbr., transp. Cargo Worthy (Ker-online)
abbr., weld. cold welding USA (Natalya Rovina)
abbr., well.contr. current well
abbr., work.fl. controlled term word
energ.ind., abbr. cladding waste; cold-worked; cold-working
meteorol., abbr. commercial weight
mil., abbr. chemical warhead; concealed weapons; conventional warhead; conventional weapons; Commonwealth
O&G, abbr. cooling water supply
tech., abbr. call waiting; circulating water, circulation water; clockwise propagation wave; code word; cold worked; column waste; continuous wave jamming; continuous wave laser mode
therm.eng., abbr. connected with ...
Игорь Миг, abbr. chemical weapon; chemical weapons (Syria had no CW to hit since 2014, as certified by the OPCW.)
cw abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. clockwise rotation
O&G water compressibility
Cw abbr.
abbr. connate water saturation; weight percent solids concentration
abbr., oil water compressibility or water coefficient of isothermal compressibility
cW abbr.
abbr., auto. drag coefficient
: 305 phrases in 33 subjects
Antennas and waveguides2
Automated equipment1
Dental implantology3
Electrical engineering4
Foreign affairs1
High energy physics1
Household appliances4
Mass media1
Medical appliances3
Nuclear and fusion power1
Oil and gas1
Quantum electronics4
Weapons of mass destruction93