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ctd. abbr.stresses
abbr. продолжение (continued ttimakina)
med. общий технический документ / документация (common technical document)
CTD abbr.
chem. СТД
dril. бурение на гибкой трубе (MichaelBurov); бурение гибкой трубой (MichaelBurov)
fish.farm. ГТЭ; глубина, температура и электропроводимость воды
IT прибор с зарядовой связью; прибор с инжекцией заряда; прибор с зарядовой инжекцией
med. база данных сравнительной токсикогеномики (Comparative Toxicogenomics Database WiseSnake)
oil фактическая общая глубина скважины (corrected total depth); департамент компьютерных технологий (ДКТ; Computer Technologies Department Madi Azimuratov); департамент компьютерных технологий (Computer Technologies Department Madi Azimuratov)
qual.cont. ОТД, общий технический документ (регистрационное досье kat_j)
 English thesaurus
ctd abbr.
abbr. center of distance; centre of distance (Vosoni)
ctd. abbr.
abbr. crated
abbr., commer. continued
ctd n
automat. center distance
CTD abbr.
abbr. charge-tranfer device; Cash Taken Deficiency; Cheapest To Deliver; Claims Training Department; Common Technical Document; Contracted Thingy Depot; Cell Transfer Delay (UNI, ATM, QOS); Certification Technical Document (алешаBG); coated; Collective Training Directorate; Commander, Transportation Division; Committee on Trade and Development (Vosoni); Computing and Telecommunications Division; Conductivity Temperature And Depth; Cross Track Distance
abbr., astronaut. Centre for Telecommunications Development
abbr., auto. content theft deterrent; controlled traction differential
abbr., avia. Chitre, Panama; CDT; controlled departure time; controlled time of departure; program control departure time program; column timer decoder; compound turbo diesel; critical technology demonstration; cross track deviation
abbr., BrE central training depot
abbr., chem. cantharidin
abbr., comp. charge transfer devices
abbr., comp., net., IT Common Terminal Driver
abbr., dril. coiled tubing drilling (MichaelBurov)
abbr., el. Center for Telecommunications Development; channel transfer device; click to dialing; cumulative transit delay
abbr., fin. cost-to-date (расходы по состоянию на текущую дату, расходы на настоящее время buraks)
abbr., genet. carboxy-terminal domain
abbr., IT Change Tape Density; Crash To Desktop; carpal tunnel disease; cell transfer delay
abbr., med. Circling The Drain (Close To Death); Close To Death; Congenital Thymic Dysplasia; Comet Tail DNA; Circling the Drain (Healthcare acronym Interex); Connective Tissue Disease (заболевание соединительной ткани Dimpassy); Cyclophosphamide Thalidomide Dexamethasone; carpal tunnel decompression; carboxylterminal domain; Common Technical Document (The Common Technical Document (CTD) is a set of specifications for an application dossier for the registration of medicine, designed for use across Europe, Japan, the United States, and beyond. wikipedia.org 'More)
abbr., mil. Common Tactical Data; Concept Technology Demonstrator (прототип технологической концепции, концептуальный технологический демонстратор qwarty)
abbr., nautic., scient. Conductivity, Temperature, Depth; Conductivity- Temperature- Depth probe/profiler
abbr., oil corrected total depth
abbr., opt. charge-transfer device
abbr., org.name. Division of Control of Tropical Diseases
abbr., phys., scient. Central Tracking Detector
abbr., physiol. Clitoral Therapy Device
abbr., physiol., med. Cumulative Trauma Disorder
abbr., scottish Charge Transfer Device; Colour Tactical Display; Conductivity/temperature versus depth; Conduit de Tir Digitale (Digital fire control system (France))
abbr., telecom. Center for Telecommunication Development
abbr., tradem. Center For Talent Development; Corporate Travel Department
abbr., transp. Crash Test Dummy
chem. continuous tubular dryer
dril. coiled tubing drilling (= бурение на гибкой трубе, бурение на гибких НКТ, бурение на койлтьюбинге Углов)
ecol. conductivity, temperature, depth
energ.ind. continuous tubular drier
int.transport. combined transport document
mil. classified telephone directory; college training detachment; completion tour of duty
Ctd abbr.
abbr., oil chloritoid
CTD abbr.
abbr. click to dial-up; clock time difference
abbr., busin. continued; com trade clauses; crated
abbr., commer. combined transport documents
abbr., earth.sc. conductivity-temperature-depth; controlled thermolytic dissociation
abbr., oil cable transmitted data; cartridge tape drive; casing thickness detection; coiled-tubing drilling; combination thermal drive; conductivity, temperature and depth; console trend display; contact time distribution
abbr., pharm. cyclophosphamide, thalidomide and dexamethasone
abbr., space crew training device
: 10 phrases in 5 subjects
Fish farming pisciculture1
Oceanography & oceanology3