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crack down on [kræk ˈdaʊn ɒn]stresses
gen. принимать более жёсткие меры против; активизировать борьбу с (to crack down on crime – активизировать борьбу с преступностью); принять строгие меры к; принимать крутые меры против (В.И.Макаров); принимать решительные меры против (Alex Lilo); объявить борьбу (чему-либо: The school is cracking down on smoking. 4uzhoj)
context. наказать (SirReal)
inf. приструнивать
mil., book. обрушиться на
 English thesaurus
crack down on [kræk ˈdaʊn ɒn]
gen. to start dealing with bad or illegal behaviour in a more severe way (The library is cracking down on people who lose their books. cambridge.org); to take strong action to stop something (The law limits engine idling to four minutes, but there aren’t enough police officers to crack down on the problem. cambridge.org); if people in authority crack down on a group of people, they become stricter in making the group obey rules or laws (The police are cracking down on motorists who drive too fast. collinsdictionary.com); to start dealing with someone or something much more strictly (The school is cracking down on smoking. macmillandictionary.com)
crack down on
: 28 phrases in 8 subjects
Intelligence and security services1
Mass media3
Security systems3