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country of originstresses
gen. страна исхода (беженцев bookworm); страна подачи (Julian Bream); страна поставщика (Alexander Demidov); страна-производитель (a) The country in which a person or thing is deemed to have originated for the purposes of laws and regulations. The country of origin of a manufactured article is held to be the country in which the article has been finished by a substantial amount of labor amounting to not less than one-fourth the cost of production of such article in condition as imported into Canada. b) The country where shipped goods are produced. It says "Made in Mexico". I wonder if that is the real country of origin. WT Alexander Demidov); государство-изготовитель (Country where goods shipped were produced. Usually the country of origin is the same as the country of departure. Also called country of provenance. Read more: businessdictionary.com Alexander Demidov); страна, где изготовлена продукция (The country in which a good was produced, or in the case of a traded service, the home country of the service provider. With fragmentation, origin is often ambiguous. For some purposes, such as trade within an FTA, its determination is subject to rules of origin. umich.edu Alexander Demidov); страна отправки (ROGER YOUNG)
avia. страна вылета
busin. страна отправления; страна рождения (Nyufi); страна происхождения (товара); страна, где производится товар
cables патентодержатель
dipl. страна, гражданином которой является данное лицо
law страна происхождения (напр. товара, груза и т.д.); страна выезда
logist. место заготовок
Makarov. страна происхождения (напр., сорта); страна происхождения (особ. товара)
med. страна-производитель (mablmsk)
media. страна подачи (почтовых отправлений)
O&G, sakh. страна-изготовитель
pharm. страна производства (bigmaxus)
tech. страна-изготовитель
transp. страна-отправитель
UN страна гражданской принадлежности (Kamza)
country of origin
: 31 phrases in 14 subjects
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development1
Food industry3