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foreig.aff. контрнаступление
mil. контрнаступление (MichaelBurov); контрнападение (MichaelBurov); контрудар (MichaelBurov); контратака (MichaelBurov)
mil., lingo контрнаступ ('More)
 English thesaurus
mil., logist. A specific type of offensive action by defending forces, either while repelling an enemy offensive or subsequently. The aims of a counteroffensive are to disrupt the enemy's offensive, to rout the enemy assault groupings, to recover a lost position and, having seized the strategic or operational initiative, to create conditions for a friendly offensive or counter-offensive on new lines of defence. A counter-offensive may be either strategic or operational in scale and may be carried out at strategic, front, army or corps level. The switch to a counter-offensive is generally made when the enemy has exhausted all or part of his offensive capabilities, for instance when he has committed all or most of his reserves, has suffered significant losses and has not yet managed to form a defensive force grouping and move onto the defensive. (UKR/NATO)
: 7 phrases in 2 subjects
Mass media1