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corporate governancestresses
gen. корпоративное поведение (mascot); выстраивание корпоративных отношений (the way in which directors and managers control a company and make decisions, especially decisions that have an important effect on shareholders: a set of guidelines for good corporate governance • Corporate governance activists are demanding more accountability from directors. OBED Alexander Demidov); управление структурой (The manner in which organizations, particularly limited companies, are managed and the nature of accountability of the managers to the owners. This topic has been of increased importance since the publication of the Cadbury Report (1992), which set out guidance in a Code of Practice (the Cadbury Code). There is now a stock-exchange requirement for listed companies to state their compliance with this Code. In particular, the Cadbury Report issued guidelines separating the roles of the chairman of a company and its chief executive, in order to reduce the power of one director. A wider role was also given to non-executive directors. OB&M Alexander Demidov); управление компанией (the way in which a company is managed by the people who are working at the highest level in it: good/poor, etc. corporate governance "Effective corporate governance will contribute decisively to a company's success. "Prior to my appointment as corporate governance officer, I worked on the strategy for our biggest acquisition deal ever. CBED Alexander Demidov)
EBRD внутреннее управление; корпоративное управление; руководство компаниями; управление компаниями
IMF. управление корпорациями
law управленческие нужды организации (Concern with the way in which companies are directed and controlled. This term has also become concerned with the wider issue of improving shareholders' investment, in other words, performance improvement, and stakeholder arguments focusing on whose interests a company should take into account. Stakeholders may include not just shareholders but also employees, customers, suppliers, investors and the community at large. PLG Alexander Demidov); управление обществом (the way a company is managed at the highest level: • There is growing interest by institutional investors in the governance of companies in which they own stock. • At the shareholders' meeting, directors should expect questions about corporate governance, executive pay and internal financial controls. LBED Alexander Demidov); отношения между собственниками компании (коллективного) юридического лица Vadim Rouminsky); внутрикорпоративные отношения (Vadim Rouminsky); корпоративный контроль (He emphasized the company's commitment to high standards of corporate governance. OALD. We aim to promote and maintain the highest standards of directorship and corporate governance. CALD Alexander Demidov)
Corporate Governance
manag. менеджмент организации (goo.gl Artjaazz)
 English thesaurus
corporate governance
IT The system by which enterprises are directed and controlled. The board of directors is responsible for the governance of their enterprise. It consists of the leadership and organizational structures and processes that ensure the enterprise sustains and extends strategies and objectives.
corporate governance
: 57 phrases in 15 subjects
Corporate governance2
Energy system2
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development5
Foreign affairs2
International Monetary Fund4
Labor organization1