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controlling interest [kən'trəulɪŋ'ɪntrɪst]stresses
gen. контрольный пакет акций; контрольный пакет (акций, in a company); владение контрольным пакетом акций (if someone has a controlling interest in a company, they own enough shares in it to control its management: have/own/hold a controlling interest (in something) "The group holds a 52% controlling interest in the new telecommunications company. buy/sell a controlling interest "Last year the former CEO sold his controlling interest for more than one billion dollars. CBED Alexander Demidov); контрольная доля (A controlling interest is an ownership interest in a corporation with enough voting stock shares to prevail in any stockholders' motion. A majority of voting shares (over 50%) is always a controlling interest. When a party holds less than the majority of the voting shares, other present circumstances can be considered to determine whether that party is still considered to hold a controlling ownership interest. WK Alexander Demidov)
account. контрольный пакет (акции – АД); контрольный пакет (when a person or an organization owns enough shares in a company to be able to make decisions about what the company should do; a number of shares that are bought in order to achieve this: He has a 51% controlling interest in the new company. OBED Alexander Demidov); контрольный пакет акций (такое финансовое вложение в другую компанию, которое обеспечивает инвестору (investor) контроль (control) над деятельностью объекта инвестиций (investee), являющегося в этом случае дочерней компанией (subsidiary))
EBRD контроль (над компанией); контрольный интерес; право руководства (компанией); право управления (компанией); право управления компанией (oVoD); право руководства компанией (oVoD); контроль над компанией (oVoD)
IMF. мажоритарный контроль
controlling interest
: 17 phrases in 7 subjects