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consumer spendingsstresses
gen. потребительские расходы; расходы на потребителя
consumer spending
gen. затраты собственных средств населения (Consumer spending or consumer demand or consumption is also known as personal consumption expenditure. It is the largest part of aggregate demand or effective demand at the macroeconomic level. There are two variants of consumption in the aggregate demand model, including induced consumption and autonomous consumption. WK Alexander Demidov); закупка потребительских товаров (Good and services bought by households in the satisfaction of their needs and wants. It includes non-durables such as food, semi-durables such as clothing, and durables such as refrigerators. • I realized that the consumer spending had increased a lot and our revenue was increasing slowly, but surely for us. • In the United States, consumer spending has rose considerably after an increase in the economy; families are able to fulfill such needs with less financial pressure. • You need to factor in what the consumer spending numbers are when you are trying to figure out how much to charge. Read more: businessdictionary.com Alexander Demidov)
busin. стоимость закупок потребительских товаров; потребительские расходы; расходование средств потребителями; потребительские расходы населения
fin. расходы потребителей
IMF. расходы домашних хозяйств
consumer spendings
: 8 phrases in 5 subjects
Mass media1