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concealment and deceptionstresses
foreig.aff. маскировка
mil. маскировка, скрытие и дезориентация (почему относится к статье "cover"? essie); скрытие, маскировка и дезориентация
 English thesaurus
concealment and deception
abbr., mil. camouflage; cover
mil., logist. Measures aimed at concealing forces and installations from the enemy, confusing the enemy as to the presence, position, strength, condition, activities and intentions of the forces concerned and the plans of their commanders. It is a form of tactical or operational support, contributing to surprise in combat and helping to maintain the combat effectiveness of troops and to increase their ability to survive. It may be strategic, operational or tactical, according to scale and the nature of the missions. Concealment and deception may involve the manipulation of optical or heat emissions or radio, radar, acoustic or hydroacoustic signals, depending on the enemy's intelligence collection methods. The maximum effect is achieved by the simultaneous use of concealment and deception against all enemy intelligence-gathering resources. (UKR/NATO)
concealment and deception
: 1 phrase in 1 subject