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comprehensive supportstresses
gen. всестороннее обеспечение (That's why we help you all the way; from initial development and consultancy to service, training and comprehensive support. PX_Ranger); всесторонняя поддержка (yurtranslate23)
foreig.aff. обеспечение военных боевых действий
market. полная поддержка (for ... Alex_Odeychuk)
 English thesaurus
comprehensive support
mil., logist. All the measures aimed at maintaining combat readiness, sustaining combat effectiveness and creating favourable conditions for the timely and successful completion of the mission. According to the nature of the mission and the measures taken, comprehensive support may be subdivided into operational and tactical support, psychological, specialized, technical, logistic support. See also operational support. (UKR/NATO)
comprehensive support
: 2 phrases in 2 subjects