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noun | abbreviation | to phrases
ck nstresses
dril. фильтрационная корка на стенках ствола скважины (cake); проверка (check)
SAP. чек
cks abbr.
tech. сантистокс (сСт konstmak)
 English thesaurus
CK abbr.
abbr. Calvin Klein; Career Killer; Cat Killer; Clark Kent; Component Research; Construction King; Cool Knight; Cyrus Kurtz; California Kris; Canadian Killers; Cape Kennedy; Compartment Key; Cunt Kicker; Cylindrical Keplerian; cytokinin
abbr., avia. China Cargo Airlines
abbr., el. chroma key; color killer
abbr., IT Character Kill
abbr., law Cop Killer
abbr., med. Calf Kidney; Chicken Kidney; Chee Kang; Clinical Knowledge; clinical knowledge; creatine kinase (креатининфосфокиназа ADol); creatine phosphokinase
abbr., med.appl. color kinesis (harser)
abbr., mil. Cake; Confirmed Kill; Containerized Kitchen
abbr., mil., WMD Cyanogen chloride
abbr., oil choke
abbr., physiol., med. Check; Conductive Keratoplasty
abbr., polit. Cook Islands; Cocos (Keeling Islands)
abbr., scottish Cyanogen Chloride (Chemical warfare blood agent)
abbr., sport. Coastal Kayak; Crimson Knight
abbr., tradem. Coaster Kingdom; Country Kitchen
abbr., transp. Car Kit
O&G compensation gain
tech. crystal kits
ck abbr.
abbr. check; check US (Vosoni); circuit
abbr., earth.sc. cheek
cartogr. chalk
O&G cake
polym. cask
Ck abbr.
abbr. creek
abbr., earth.sc. chloritoid-kyanite
abbr., lab.eq. chicken
econ. cheque (dimock)
Cks abbr.
abbr., oil casks
ck. abbr.
abbr. check
CKS abbr.
abbr. Chaing Kai Shek
abbr., avia. Carajas, PA, Brazil; countersink
abbr., busin. checks
abbr., comp., net., IT Common Knowledge Server
abbr., med. Classic Form Of Kaposi Sarcoma; Classic Kaposi Sarcoma; Cute Kid Syndrome
abbr., oil centistokes
tech. check sum
: 9 phrases in 6 subjects
SAP tech.1
Weapons of mass destruction1