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charade [ʃə'rɑ:d] nstresses
gen. шарада (род загадки); бессмысленная суета; глупая возня; фарс (a situation in which people behave as though something is true or serious, when it is not really true:: The trial was just a charade -- the verdict had already been decided.); спектакль (COBUILD Collins: If you describe someone's actions as a charade, you mean that their actions are so obviously false that they do not convince anyone. 'More); комедия (VLZ_58)
context. разговоры в пользу бедных (a situation in which people behave as though something is true or serious, when it is not really true:: Unless more money is given to schools, all this talk of improving education is just a charade. 'More); формальный (напр., характер брака: Simon told Susan that his marriage was a charade, continued only for the sake of the children. – его брак был чисто формальным, сохраняемым ради детей 'More); притворяться (an almost transparent pretense: I suggest you give up this little charade of yours. – Перестань притворяться. 'More)
fig. "цирк" (Lee no longer wanted to be part of this charade. joyand)
idiom. сплошной цирк (фарс Alex_Odeychuk)
charades n
games крокодил (игра, в которой один из игроков изображает жестами слово или фразу, а другие пытаются угадать)
charade [ʃə'rɑ:d] v
gen. притворяться, что всё в порядке (an attempt to pretend that a situation is good or satisfactory, when in fact it is not Wintour)
: 1 phrase in 1 subject