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noun | abbreviation | to phrases
cg [,si:'dʒi:] nstresses
gen. сантиграмм
dril. керновое бурение (coring); бурение с отбором керна (coring); центр тяжести (center of gravity)
tech. рабочий газ (control gas ivanishev)
cg. n
O&G бурение с отбором керна (coring)
O&G. tech. бурение с отбором керна; отбор керна
oil отбор керна (coring)
CGS abbr.
gen. рейтинг корпоративного управления (corporate governance score Toughguy); система сантиметр-грамм-секунда; система СГС
econ. стоимость проданных товаров (cost of goods sold Dmitry)
genet. полная генетическая последовательность (Complete Gene Sequence turnanog)
O&G КГС (газификация угля с получением синтез-газа eugeene1979)
O&G, tengiz. ЦПС (Aiduza)
O&G. tech. Геологическая служба Канады (Canadian Geological Survey; источник: словарь Извекова); Геологическая служба Канады (Canadian Geological Survey; источник: словарь Извекова)
oil.proc. cracked gas compressor-компрессор крекинг-газа (Гевар)
powd.met. ХГН (cold gas spraying; холодное газодинамическое напыление MichaelBurov)
CGs abbr.
telecom. генераторы CG (oleg.vigodsky)
 English thesaurus
CG [,si:'dʒi:] abbr.
abbr. Certified Genealogist; Commercial Grade; Contact Group; Curious George; Current Generation; Cauchy Gauss; Chalk Guy; Chaplain General; Character Generated; Character Generation; Character Graphics; Chicago Field Office; Chicago Lamp; Christian Gottfried; Classic Grooves; Clean And Green; Cock Gobbler; Columbia Energy Group; Commissary-General; Complete Generation; Composite Graphics; Comptroller General; Conditional Gaussian; Conditional Genotype; Conflict Graph; Consultative Group; contract giver (4uzhoj); Convert to Garbage; Covent Garden; Covent Garden Theatre; Crack Goblin; Crested Gecko; Curated Gene; Cute Girls; Norfolk Southern Railway Company; the; The Christian Groups
abbr., astr., scient. Central Galaxy
abbr., auto. chassis ground
abbr., avia. center-of-gravity; configuration guide option description; control and guidance; Communication Group; centre of gravity
abbr., BrE Captain-General; Chaplain-General
abbr., build.mat. carbographite (peuplier_8)
abbr., busin. corporate governance (User)
abbr., cust. Clearance of Goods (G.O.A.N.)
abbr., ed. Creative Genius
abbr., el. channel-guide structure; charging gateway; Clebsch-Gordan coefficient; clock generator; coded graphics; coincidence gate; coincidence guidance; color graphics; common ground; complementary gain; computer graphics; conjugate gradient method; constant gradient; continuous gate; coordinate graphics; cordierite glass; correct generator; current gain
abbr., file.ext. Control Gate
abbr., inet. Cool Guy; Cute Girl
abbr., IT Character Generator; Computer Generated; Computer Graphic; Computer Graphics; categorial grammar; character generator; computer graphics
abbr., math., scient. Conjugate Gradient
abbr., med. Cardio-Green; Cardiography; Chronic Glomerulonephritis; Cell Group; colloidal gold; controlled gavage
abbr., met. coarse grain
abbr., mil. Coast Guard; Commanding General; Guided Missile Cruiser; phosgene (Киселев); cruiser; Coordination Group; Chairman's guidance; commanding general
abbr., mil., avia. camera gun
abbr., mil., WMD phosgene, choking chemical agent green cross
abbr., nautic., scient. Cloud To Ground
abbr., oil coarse grained; connection gas (andrushin); Corgun (coring, or side-wall coring gun)
abbr., oncol., med. Control Group
abbr., pest.contr. encapsulated granule
abbr., phys., scient. Centre Of Gravity
abbr., polit. Congo; Zaire
abbr., polym. center of gravity
abbr., progr. collaborative group (ssn)
abbr., scottish Cargo Glider; Centre of Gravity; Chain Gun; Company Group; Phosgene (Chemical warfare choking agent)
abbr., sport. Card Game; Chorionic Gonadotrophin; Computer Gaming; Console Games
abbr., tradem. Ciba Geigy
energ.ind. carbon gases; carrier gas; coal gasification; cogeneration; cogenerator; combined governing; cover gas
mil. captain of the guard; chairman's guidance; chemical gas; combat group; command group; command guidance; communications group; composite group; consolidated guidance; control group
O&G computer gateway
tech. chemistry guidelines; clutter gate; control grid; course generator
cg [,si:'dʒi:] abbr.
abbr. choking gas; curies per gram; cross gate
abbr., busin. cage
abbr., earth.sc. côté gauche (left side)
abbr., med. centigram
mining. coal gas; crossgate
O&G coring
cg. abbr.
abbr. centigauss; centigram; centigramme
abbr., earth.sc. coring
Cg [,si:'dʒi:] abbr.
abbr. gas compressibility or gas coefficient of isothermal compressibility
abbr., earth.sc. carnegieite
abbr., el. C for graphics
abbr., glac. WMO Congress
CGS abbr.
abbr. Centimeter Gram Second; Charlotte Gaming Society; Citizens for Global Solutions; Come Get Some; Common Ground Sanctuary; Computer Generated Solutions, Inc.; Credit Gain Services; centimetre-gram-second (Vosoni); centimetre-gram-second system (Vosoni); Central Gulf Steamship; Coast & Geodetic Survey; Coast and Geodetic Survey; College Of General Studies; Control Guidance Subsystems; CONUS Ground Station; Council of Graduate Schools; centimetre-gram-second system of units; centimetre-gramme-second system of units
abbr., astronaut. Control Ground System (semfromshire)
abbr., automat. computer graphics system
abbr., avia. College Park Airport, College Park, Maryland USA; computer generated simulation; combined guidance system
abbr., BrE Central Gunnery School; Chief of the General Staff; Commissary-General of Subsistence
abbr., busin. centimetre, gramme, second (system)
abbr., comp., IT Color Graphics System
abbr., comp.name. Coastal Gas Services Company
abbr., earth.sc. Committee on Geophysical Sciences
abbr., ed., scient. Center For Gender Studies; College of General Studies
abbr., el. centimeter-gram-second system (of units); chalcogenide glassy semiconductor; color graphic system; common graphics system; compact gateway server; computer graphic system; conjugate gradient squared method; gate to source capacitance
abbr., file.ext. Continuous-Grain Silicon
abbr., fin. cost of goods sold (Метран)
abbr., geochem. China Geological Survey (Sagoto)
abbr., geol., scient. Committee on Geological Sciences
abbr., IT code generation system; Computer Graphics Society
abbr., karate. coast ground station
abbr., math., scient. Centimeter, Gram, Second; Conjugate Gradient Squared
abbr., med. Cardiogenic Shock; Catgut Suture; Causal Genesis Syndrome; Center For Genetics And Society; Clinical Genetics Society; Craniofacial Growth Series; catgut suture; centimeter-gram-second (system, unit)
abbr., mil. Canadian Government Ship; Common Ground Station; common ground station; continental United States ground station
abbr., mil., air.def. common ground segment
abbr., O&G complex gathering station (Yerkwantai); Continental Gas Storage (ixtra)
abbr., O&G, casp. concrete gravity structure (raf)
abbr., oil calculated gas saturation; Canadian Geological Survey; Coal gasification syngas (КГС eugeene1979); cable-guying system; Canadian Geographical Society; Canadian Geotechnical Society; Carolina Geological Society; casing geometry sonde; civil GPS global positioning system service; Coast Geological Society; colour graphics system; concrete gravity structures; concrete gravity sub-structure; conjugate gradient square (method); cyclic group signal
abbr., org.name. Office of Conference and General Services
abbr., phys., scient. Centimetre, Gram, Second
abbr., scottish Common Ground SensorStation; Crew Gunnery Simulator
abbr., shipb. centimeter, gram, second unit
abbr., space core ground segment
abbr., st.exch. CEC Resources, LTD.
abbr., tech. centimetre-gramme-second (system); centimetre-gram-second (system); centimeter-gram-second system of units
abbr., textile credit guarantee system
abbr., tradem. Chris Graham Software
energ.ind. combined governing system
mil. command guidance system; control and guidance subsystem
O&G central gathering station
tech. chromatographic separation
cgs abbr.
O&G the cm-gm-sec system
opt. centimeter-gram-second
: 165 phrases in 15 subjects
Antennas and waveguides3
Automated equipment2
High energy physics10
Oil / petroleum1
Thermal engineering2