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one can't be botheredstresses
one can't be bothered with something
gen. неохота (что-либо делать; used for saying that someone will not do something because they feel lazy or because it is too much effort: Do I need to iron the shirt? Well, I can't be bothered. • I said I'd go out with them tonight, but I can't be bothered. Shakermaker); лень (в случаях, когда слово "неохота" не очень подходит: He most evidently can't be bothered writing. 4uzhoj); не соизволить (в контексте: She couldn't even be bothered to say hello. 4uzhoj)
jarg. западло (В воскресенье западло работать – One can't be bothered to work on Sunday VLZ_58); в падлу (to do something/doing something: And it had to be her parents that helped, because the useless fuck couldn't be bothered to call his. 4uzhoj)
slang ломает (что-то делать Ремедиос_П); влом (to do something/doing something: Peter was meant to write this but the lazy bastard couldn't be bothered. • I got home so late last night that I couldn't be bothered to cook dinner. • I broke half of the slides and could not be bothered to redo all the slides because it was a total pain in the ass in Keynote to do it. Ремедиос_П)
 English thesaurus
one can't be bothered
idiom. if you say that you can't be bothered to do something, you mean that you are not going to do it because you think it is unnecessary or because you are too lazy (I just can't be bothered to look after the house. collinsdictionary.com); be unwilling to make the effort needed to do something (also can't be bothered to do something: They couldn't be bothered to look it up • Although they have everything going for them they can't be bothered to put in the necessary effort to help themselves to fulfil their potential. • If you can't be bothered to imagine, let me tell you. • I have split ends but can't be bothered to go get my hair cut. • But, I really can't be bothered to put in the effort to finish it. • Throughout my conversation, she gave such dull and unwilling answers, as if she can't be bothered to talk to me. • But if they can't be bothered to find me, why should I make the effort for them? • People moan about politics and the state of their world when they are down the pub, but then can't be bothered to use their vote on election day. • When you can't be bothered to write but you've got loads of stuff spilling out of your head, you can still share it all with this cool tool. • However, I still find myself reaching for it if I have five minutes to kill or can't be bothered to load up anything else. • If you can't be bothered to become informed about the issues then you don't need to vote. lexico.com)
Can't Be Bothered
abbr. CBB (Franka_LV)
can't be bothered
: 40 phrases in 4 subjects