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branch managerstresses
gen. директор филиала (a person who manages the local branch of a bank, shop, or other business Usage examples Archbishop John Bathersby, the self-described local Brisbane branch manager , admits he `reacted against "the papal directive. MISC (1999) He says: `I became a branch manager at 22 – the youngest in the company's history. SUN, NEWS OF THE WORLD (1999) I went inside and talked to Mr Tucker, the branch manager , with whom Wolfe and I had been dealing for years. Goldsborough, Robert MURDER IN E MINOR In some ways the bank's most critical problem was actually to keep the branch manager away from the customer! Piercy, Nigel MARKET-LED STRATEGIC CHANGE Mr McLean, who was branch manager of a local supermarket, was attacked in the grounds of his home in Lae, about 200km north of Port Moresby. COURIER, SUNDAY MAIL (2002) Some banks vary the limit, depending on the discretion of the branch manager. BUSINESS TODAY (1997) Today Unison branch manager Carl Van Rooy said: "We need a workplace assessment to find out how many more staff are needed. LIVERPOOL DAILY POST AND ECHO (2004). Collins Alexander Demidov); начальник отделения; заведующий отделением; региональный директор (A branch manager oversees a division or office of a large business or organization, operating locally or with a particular function. Their responsibility is to ensure that payments to employees are correct, their vacation pay arrives on time and they receive proper care if they are injured while working. In banking, a branch manager is responsible for all functions and staff within the branch office. wiki Alexander Demidov)
account. руководитель филиала (фирмы)
bank. руководитель отделения; управляющий филиалом банка; управляющий филиалом (Alex_Odeychuk)
busin. заведующий филиалом
econ. управляющий отделением (филиалом teterevaann)
tech. начальник участка; руководитель отделения (фирмы); руководитель филиала
branch manager
: 5 phrases in 4 subjects