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became suspiciousstresses
gen. возникло подозрение (about sth. -- по поводу чего-л.: "...But at the Dec. 20 meeting at BMO's Burrard Street location in downtown Vancouver, an employee questioned the identification he and his granddaughter presented. "She said the numbers didn't match up what she had on her computer," Johnson said from his home in Bella Bella, a Heiltsuk community located on B.C's Central Coast. (...) He said the employee became suspicious and went upstairs with their cards." (CBC) • B.C.’s Supreme Court has ordered the estate of a dead woman to pay UBC $594,680 as a result of her fraud and wage theft. ...The judge said that, in 2011 a new UBC Department of Obstetrics head, Dr. Geoffrey Cundiff, became suspicious about some of her behaviour and requested an audit of her activities during the period of her dual employment. The audit’s conclusion was that Moscipan had engaged in various fraudulent actions, including stealing money from a dormant bank account to which she had exclusive access. It also found she was receiving 180 per cent of a full-time salary and had been giving herself raises for years by forging supervisors’ signatures. (burnabynow.com) ART Vancouver)
become suspicious
Makarov. заподозрить (что-либо); стать подозрительным
became suspicious
: 7 phrases in 2 subjects