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be down withstresses
down with
gen. слечь с (какой-либо болезнью: When they arrived, they were told that Mahdi was down with the flu. linton); заболеть (чем-либо: By the time I jumped back inside he looked like he was down with flu. • All the senior police officers were down with flu – so the Chief Constable asked for his aid.); подхватить (вирус, инфекцию: Marigold had to go home early today. I think she's down with the flu. • All the senior police officers were down with flu – so the Chief Constable asked for his aid. • By the time I jumped back inside he looked like he was down with flu. 4uzhoj)
inf. ладить с (someone Shakermaker); быть в хороших отношениях с (someone Shakermaker); нравиться (I am so down with math, it's my favorite subject in school!)
inf., amer. быть за (то, чтобы: Yeah, I'm down with seeing a movie later this evening.); быть не прочь (сделать что-либо: Yeah, I'm down with seeing a movie later this evening. 4uzhoj)
Makarov. кончать; разделываться
mean.1 болеть (чем-либо В.И.Макаров)
 English thesaurus
be down with
inf. to be in agreement with, in support of, have interest in, or thoroughly enjoy some subject, activity, or thing (I am so down with math, it's my favorite subject in school! • Yeah, I'm down with seeing a movie later this evening. thefreedictionary.com); to be on friendly terms with or enjoy the company of somebody (I'm down with Cathy, we just had a small disagreement is all. • I'm just not down with John, I think he's kind of a jerk sometimes. thefreedictionary.com); to be ill or have caught some disease (more often expressed as "come down with something": Marigold had to go home early today. I think she's down with the flu. thefreedictionary.com)
inf., amer. to accept or agree to (something: Yeah, I'm down with seeing a movie later this evening. macmillandictionary.com)
be down with
: 44 phrases in 8 subjects