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battle-damage repair [,bætl'dæmɪdʒ rɪ’реə]stresses
avia. устранение боевых повреждений
mil., avia. ремонт боевых повреждений
battle damage repair
foreig.aff. аварийный ремонт в боевых условиях
 English thesaurus
battle damage repair
mil., logist. Essential repair, which may be improvised, carried out rapidly in a battle environment in order to return damaged or disabled equipment to temporary service. (FRA); Essential repair which can be improvised and/or temporary, performed rapidly in combat conditions in order to restore to service damaged or immobilized items of equipment. It consists in emergency or makeshift repairs. (FRA)
USA Essential repair, which may be improvised, carried out rapidly in a battle environment in order to return damaged or disabled equipment to temporary service (JP 4-09)
Battle Damage Repair
abbr., scottish BDR
battle-damage repair
: 6 phrases in 2 subjects