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amu nstresses
phys. атомная единица массы (серёга)
AMU adj.
astronaut. в единицах атомного веса
Gruzovik, econ. азиатская денежная единица (Asian monetary unit)
oil.proc. установка сероочистки газа аминами (amine sweetening unit dimakan)
amu abbr.
phys. а.е.м. (серёга)
 English thesaurus
AMUS abbr.
abbr., avia. avionics data multiplexing system
abbr., mil. Automated Manpower Utilization System
Amu n
hydrogr. см. Amu Darya ('More)
AMU abbr.
abbr., busin. Air Mileage Unit; atom mass unit
amu abbr.
abbr. ammunition; atomic mass unit; unit of unified scale
AMU abbr.
abbr. Atomic mass unit; Atomic Metric Units; Atomic Mass Unit
abbr., avia. Audio Management Unit (Interex); Apron Management Unit; arithmetic logic unit
abbr., avia., med. astronaut maneuvering unit
abbr., bank. Asian monetary unit (4uzhoj)
abbr., chem., scient. Atomic Mass Units
abbr., comp., net. Across-the-Wire migration Utility
abbr., ed., scient. Aligarh Muslim University
abbr., el. audio mixing module
abbr., el., scient. Automatic Measurement Unit
abbr., fin. Arab Maghreb Union
abbr., mil. Advanced Marksmanship Unit; Army Marksmanship Unit; Auxiliary Memory Unit
abbr., mil., avia. ACARS/avionics management unit
abbr., polym. atomic mass unit
abbr., post Address Management Unit (UK, 2008)
abbr., scient. Applied Meteorology Unit
abbr., scottish Aircraft Maintenance Unit; Antenna Matching Unit
abbr., sport. Anti Manchester United
abbr., st.exch. ACM Municipal Securities Income Fund, Inc.
invest. Asian monetary unit
mil. advanced marksmanship unit; Army marksmanship unit; Army medical unit
tech. acoustic measuring unit; add-on memory unit; aqueous makeup
: 13 phrases in 5 subjects
Oil / petroleum1