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Written Resolutionstresses
gen. заочная резолюция (a resolution in writing which can be validly passed without the need for a meeting provided all those entitled to vote sign the written resolution to signify their unanimous approval of the resolution. LE Alexander Demidov)
fin. Письменное решение (snku)
written resolution
busin. решение правления принятое путём заочного голосования (алешаBG)
law Письменная резолюция (подписанная акционерами компании; Members resolution that is considered effective because it carries the signatures of all members (shareholders/stockholders) entitled to vote, even if it was not presented for approval at a properly convened meeting. YuV)
written resolutions
busin. протокол (Наталья Dina_ZR); решения правления, принятые заочным голосованием (алешаBG)
Written Resolution
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