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WT nstresses
met. толщина стенки (трубы; wall thickness (WT) Julia Day-Kim)
O&G лебёдка (wireline truck Madi Azimuratov); каротажная установка (wireline truck Madi Azimuratov)
oil толщина стенки (трубы, wall thickness)
progr. со сквозной записью (ssn)
SAP. вид оплаты
tax. иностранный траст, выполняющий функции налогового агента (withholding foreign trust (IRS) oshkindt)
textile мех выдры (Yuriy83)
wt n
med. ордер; свидетельство; сертификат; гарантия
% wt n
oil.proc. % масс. (MichaelBurov); массовый процент (MichaelBurov); массовая доля в процентах (MichaelBurov)
wt-% n
chem. массовый % (Vicomte)
WTS abbr.
gen. продам (acrogamnon)
oil вода, поступающая на поверхность (water to surface)
WtS abbr.
nautic. запад-тень-юг (-"сухопутное" название MichaelBurov); вест-тень-зюйд (MichaelBurov); румб 23 (MichaelBurov); стрик запада к шалонику (-поморское название MichaelBurov); азимут 258,75° (MichaelBurov)
 English thesaurus
WT abbr.
abbr., progr. write-through (ssn)
wts abbr.
abbr., busin. warrants; weights
WTS abbr.
abbr. Willing To Sell; Wunderland Toast Society; want to sell (acrogamnon); Warehouses of Temporary Storage (Дюнан); White Trash Slut; Windows Terminal Server (MS, :NET)
abbr., auto. water temperature sensor
abbr., avia. Tsiroanomandidy, Madagascar; weights records; wheel type size; wing tip station
abbr., busin. working time saved
abbr., earth.sc. westward travelling surge; wind tunnel study
abbr., ed., scient. Westminster Theological Seminary; Writing Tutorial Services
abbr., el. waveguide transmission system; wireless telegraph station
abbr., IT Wireless Telecommunication Services
abbr., Makarov. winged two-staged system
abbr., mil., avia. Wallops test station
abbr., mil., WMD Water treatment system
abbr., O&G, sakh. well testing system
abbr., oil water to surface; well testing services; well testing supervisor; wireline telemetry system
abbr., sec.sys., IT Web Transaction Security
abbr., space word terminal synchronous
abbr., st.exch. Watts Industries, Inc.
abbr., tech. world Telecommunication System; world telecommunication system
abbr., tradem. WhiteTown Software; World Technology Services, Inc.; World Test Systems; World Trade Server
abbr., transp. Westbound Transpacific Stabilization; Women's Transportation Seminar
construct. water treatment station (Moscow Cat)
mil. weapons training site
tech. wireless telegraphy station
WtS abbr.
abbr. WbS (MichaelBurov); west by south (MichaelBurov)
: 33 phrases in 11 subjects
Information technology7
Oil processing plants3