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WDS abbr.stresses
gen. объект размещения отходов (waste disposal site rechnik); ОРО (waste disposal site rechnik)
comp., MS службы развёртывания Windows
 English thesaurus
WDS abbr.
abbr. Working Dog Superior; WatchDog Server
abbr., astr., scient. Washington Double Star Catalog
abbr., auto. Worldwide Diagnostic System
abbr., avia. weapon direction system; Western Defense System
abbr., el. wave-length dispersive spectrometry; wavelength demodulation system; wavelength dispersive spectroscopy; wavelength dispersive X-ray spectrometer; wavelength division switch; wireless data server; word data state; write data strobe
abbr., glac. World Data System of ICSU
abbr., IT Wireless Data Services; Wireless Distribution System; With Digit Sum
abbr., med. Watery Diarrhea Syndrome (syndrome); Wet Dog Shakes (syndrome); Women's Dermatologic Society
abbr., mil. Weapon Detection System (qwarty); well-drilling system
abbr., mil., avia. weapon delivery system
abbr., nano wavelength dispersive spectrometer
abbr., nautic., scient. Water Dispersant Spray
abbr., oil wavelength-dispersive spectrometer; wavelength dispersive spectral (analysis)
abbr., phys. Wavelength Dispersive Spectrometry (Vosoni)
abbr., progr., IT Workload Distribution System
abbr., scient. Wet Dry Snow
abbr., scottish Weapon Direction System, naval (USA); Weapon Display Subsystem
abbr., textile wave length dispersive spectrometer
abbr., tradem. Web Design Solutions, Ltd.; Well Dressed Sim; Wire Design Systems
energ.ind. water discharge system
mil. weapons delivery system; weapons designation system; weapons directing system; weapons dispenser system
tech. waste disposal system; wave directional spectrometer
wds abbr.
abbr., med. wounds
: 5 phrases in 4 subjects