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WDP abbr.stresses
O&G, karach. полигон захоронения сточных вод (Aiduza); полигон утилизации сточных вод (Aiduza)
O&G, oilfield. сигналопроводящие бурильные трубы (Wired Drill Pipe evermore)
tech. температура конденсации воды (water dew point YGA)
 English thesaurus
WDP abbr.
abbr. We Do Party; Wrong Damn Party; WatchDog Process; wood panel
abbr., IT Wireless Data Pool; Wireless Data Protocol; wireless datagram protocol
abbr., med. within defined parameter (Spar23roW); wettable powder
abbr., mil. Workforce Development Program
abbr., mil., avia. weapons direction program
abbr., O&G, sakh. Well Delivery Process
abbr., railw. Wireline Distributed Power
abbr., shipb. washing deck pipe
abbr., sport. Who Dares Play
abbr., tradem. Walt Disney Pictures; Walt Disney Productions
abbr., water.res. water distribution plan
mil. weapons development program; weapons direction program
tech. Wenner difference potentiometer
Wdp abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. weight per foot of pipe
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