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VTR nstresses
media. видеозапись
auto. система слежения и эвакуации (Yeldar Azanbayev)
vtr n
IT устройство записи изображений на ленту
VTR abbr.
adv. процент досмотра (view-through rate; рекламного ролика dafni)
astronaut. вмф
house. видеомагнитофон
PSP Трансформатор напряжения (Shmelev Alex)
 English thesaurus
VTR abbr.
abbr. Vehicle Titles and Registration Division; Tracked Recovery Vehicle; vertical radial; VideoTape Recorder
abbr., avia. VHF transmitter/receiver
abbr., el. vertical thermal reactor; vertical tube reactor; voltage transfer ratio
abbr., mil. Video Tape Recorder; Virtual TEst Range
abbr., opt. videotape recorder
abbr., radio video tape recorder
abbr., railw. Vermont Railway Incorporated
abbr., sport. Vintage Triumph Register
abbr., transp. Vehicle Title and Registration; Virtual Truck Rumblers
energ.ind. variable toroidal ripple
mil. vehicle tracked retriever; vehicle tracking receiver; vehicle, tracked, recovery
NYSE., st.exch. Ventas, Inc.
tech. video tape recording; viscosity temperature rating; voltage transformation ratio
VTRS abbr.
abbr., avia. visual technology research simulator
abbr., el. video tape recording system
abbr., O&G, sakh. valve test record sheet
tech. videotape recording system; videotape response system
vtr abbr.
abbr. vector
VTR abbr.
abbr. videotape recording
abbr., avia. variable takeoff rating; video tape reproducer
abbr., lab.eq. visual tube rater (igisheva); visual tube rating (igisheva)
: 46 phrases in 7 subjects
Information technology2
Mass media29