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VCC abbr.stresses
media. коммуникационный центр Олимпийской деревни (village communication center Макеев Георгий)
mil. Контрольно-Пропускной Пункт (Visitor Control Center moos85)
Vcc abbr.
O&G, casp. обозначение на электросхеме (Yeldar Azanbayev)
ophtalm. vision with correction, острота зрения с коррекцией (doc090)
 English thesaurus
VCC abbr.
abbr. Valley Community Coalition; Vowel Consonant Consonant; Viet Cong Company; Virus Creation Centre (Vosoni); Voltage Collector To Collector; virtual call capability
abbr., auto. vacuum cut control solenoid; variable characteristic car; viscous clutch converter; viscous converter clutch
abbr., avia. video cable communication; video capture card; video control center; virtual call control; virtual centralized controller
abbr., comp., net., IT Virtual Channel Connection
abbr., ed. Volunteer Computer Corps
abbr., ed., scient. Vancouver Community College
abbr., el. Voltage at the Common Collector (usually positive [+] electrical connection Oleg Sollogub); variable cycle controller; video cable communications; video compact disc; video controller chip; video conversion card; virtual component codesign; visual communication congress; voice communications complex; voice controlled carrier; voltage-controlled clock
abbr., geogr. Volga-Caspian Canal (Leviathan)
abbr., health., med. Vista Community Clinic
abbr., IT Virtual Call Center; Virtual Circuit Connection; Voice Call Continuity; Voltage At The Common Collector; Voting Combinations Of Classifiers; Vsat Control Centre
abbr., med. Vasoconstrictor Center; Ventral Cell Column
abbr., media. Viewers Choice Canada
abbr., met. vertical continuous casting; vertical continuous caster
abbr., mil. Volunteer Cadet Corps; Vehicle Control Center (MAMOHT); Virtual Command Center; voice communications circuit
abbr., mil., avia. Vanderberg Control Center
abbr., monk. Vancouver Canary Club
abbr., oil Veba Combicracking (process); voltage controlled capacitor
abbr., phys., scient. Vertical Concrete Cask
abbr., progr., IT Version Controlled Configuration
abbr., relig. Victory Christian Center; Vineyard Christian Church
abbr., scottish Veicolo Corazzato de Combattimento (Armoured Personnel Carrier (Italy)); Voice Communication Control system
abbr., securit. venture capital companies (flamingovv)
abbr., space Vandenberg Control Center; vertical channel computer; voice communication complex; voltage controlled clock
abbr., tech. Virtual Crack Closure (bonly)
abbr., therm.eng. vapour compression cycle (Natalya Rovina)
abbr., tradem. Venture Capital Corporation; Venture Construction Company; Virtual Computer Corporation; Visual Communication Company; Vocabula Communications Company
el. Voltage on the Collector in a transistor
mil. vehicle collecting center; vehicle crew chief
tech. variable ceramic capacitor; vehicle command and control system; video coaxial connector; video compact cassette; voice-controlled carrier; voltage coefficient of capacitance; voltage-controlled capacitor
Vcc abbr.
abbr. Voltage (Common Cathode); collector supply voltage (jamaliya)
abbr., el. volts dc (Вольт постоянного тока fluent)
: 2 phrases in 2 subjects
Mass media1