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USG abbr.stresses
gen. Мексиканский залив (United States Gulf, more properly known as the Gulf of Mexico ABelonogov)
busin. американские порты в Мексиканском заливе
clin.trial. ультрасонография (stefanbatori)
hindi Университетская комиссия по грантам (сокр. University Grants Commission Odnodoom)
med. urine specific gravity удельный вес мочи (Alexey Lebedev)
microel. нелегированное силикатное стекло (lokviks)
polit. Правительство США (сокр. от "United States Government" Alex_Odeychuk); высшие федеральные органы государственной власти США (сокр. от "U.S. Government" Alex_Odeychuk)
polym. плотность в нерастянутом состоянии (при определении SVI – антоним StrSG Karabas)
 English thesaurus
USG abbr.
abbr. gas superficial velocity (Yakov); United States Gage; Universal Subscriber Gateway (Nomadix); Unix Support Group (organization, Unix)
abbr., agric., chem. urea supergranules
abbr., avia. US gallons; unusually significant
abbr., comp., net. UNIX Systems Group
abbr., earth.sc. United States standard Gage; United States standard Gauge
abbr., ed., scient. Undergraduate Student Government
abbr., el. undoped silicon dioxide glass (film); unique signal generator; Unix system group; upper sideband generator
abbr., el., scient. Undoped Silicate Glass
abbr., insur. Gulf of Mexico
abbr., lab.eq. Ultra-SonoGraphy
abbr., med. Ultra-Sonography; unteres Sprunggelenk (нижний голеностопный сустав Dimpassy); ultrasonography
abbr., mil. United States Government
abbr., mil., WMD US government
abbr., oil ultrasonic space grating; United States Gauge
abbr., polym. United States gallon
abbr., railw. Union Station Gateway
abbr., space US gallon
abbr., st.exch. U S G Corporation
abbr., tradem. United States Gypsum
abbr., UN, account. Under-Secretary-General
tech., abbr. United States standard gauge; universal synchrogenerator; upper side-band generator
: 5 phrases in 4 subjects
Medical appliances1