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Tros nstresses
greek.lang., myth. Трос (троянск. царь, отец Ганимеда)
 English thesaurus
TRO abbr.
abbr. Temporary Restraining Order
abbr., avia. Taree, New South Wales, Australia
abbr., BrE technical records office; technical records officer
abbr., med. Time Ran Out; triple rule out (harser)
abbr., mil. Tactical Reconnaissance Office; training and readiness oversight
abbr., physiol., med. To return to office
abbr., police Temporary restraining order (судебное постановление на временный запрет контактов между опр. лицами Val_Ships)
abbr., st.exch. Tele Centro Oeste Celular, P. A.
abbr., tradem. The Rights Organization; The Ritchie Organization
abbr., transp. Trip Reduction Ordinance
law temporary restraining order
mil. technical resources operation; test requirements outline; transportation officer; truck route order
TROS abbr.
abbr., comp. transformer read only storage
abbr., el. transducer read-only storage
tech. transformer read-only storage
Tro abbr.
abbr. troilite
TRo abbr.
abbr. top round
: 6 phrases in 2 subjects