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Tc nstresses
chem. технеций
TC abbr.
abbr., mining. погрузчик с параллелограммным механизмом запрокидывания ковша ((Tool Carrier) используется в маркировке машин soa.iya)
avia. сертификат типа (Type Certificate Heka)
cables ТC (MichaelBurov)
chem.ind. калибрование на наливание (TO CONTAIN; Мерные цилиндры обычно калибруют на наливание (за ноль принимается дно), объём слитой жидкости из таких цилиндров будет несколько меньше номинального, за счет смачивания жидкостью поверхности стекла. spec-kniga.ru dimakan)
ed. перенесённый кредит (Transferred Credit KartashovaOD)
mil. территориальная войсковая группировка (Vadim Rouminsky)
O&G общий углерод (ОУ eugeene1979)
oil штуцер насосно-компрессорной колонны (tubing choke)
tech. турбокомпрессор (MichaelBurov)
tcs n
gen. Топические кортикостероиды (https://ichgcp.net/ru/clinical-trials-registry/NCT03661138: Лекарство: Топические кортикостероиды (TCS). dermatology.ru Irina_Smirnova)
med. Транскутанное насыщение крови кислородом (vdengin)
Tc abbr.
automat. температура (сокр. от temperature ssn)
TC abbr.
gen. ТК (торговая компания rechnik)
abbr. ОХ (общий холестерин Andrey Truhachev)
automat. термопара (сокр. от thermocouple ssn); общее содержание углерода (сокр. от total carbon ssn)
avia. циклы вращения (torque cycles; в циклах вращения считают ресурс винта и его принадлежностей Airbus Helicopters draugwath)
cables кроссовая (MichaelBurov); телекоммуникационный центр (MichaelBurov); помещение телекоммуникационного оборудования (MichaelBurov); помещение телекоммуникационного оборудования этажа (MichaelBurov); помещение, где разводятся и коммутируются распределительные кабели (MichaelBurov); кроссовое помещение (MichaelBurov); телекоммуникационный разъём (MichaelBurov); телекоммуникационный коннектор (MichaelBurov)
cardiol. ЧС (trucus coeliacus; Чревной ствол Frolov19)
dril. инструмент закрыт (tool closed; скважинный)
econ. общие издержки (total costs Yuriy Sokha)
EU. третья страна (third country; не является членом Евросоюза socrates)
Gruzovik, econ. общая стоимость (total cost)
Gruzovik, mil. тактическое командование (Tactical Command); тактическое управление (tactical control)
Gruzovik, scient. термокомпрессия (thermocompression); со стандартными технологическими свойствами (technically classified); удельная теплопроводность (thermal conductivity)
logist. транспортная служба
med. общий холестерин (Andrey Truhachev)
met. тележка промковша (tundish car ipesochinskaya)
mil. тактический компьютер (WiseSnake)
nautic. мерительное свидетельство (tonnage certificate Ying)
O&G ОУ (total carbon, общий углерод eugeene1979)
O&G, sakh. контроллер температуры (Temperature controller); регулятор температуры (temperature controller)
O&G. tech. заглушка фонтанной арматуры (MichaelBurov)
oil карбид вольфрама (tungsten carbide); скважинный инструмент закрыт (tool closed); верхний штуцер (top choke); устьевой штуцер (top choke)
SAP.tech. экранная таблица
sport. командные соревнования
tech. военное обозначение буксируемых кабелей
tel.mech. ТУ (телеуправление; telecontrol carp)
telecom. тайм-код (art_fortius)
textile thread count-нити на дюйм (плотность ткани baranchic)
tobac. термоконтроль (сокр. от "temperature control" Alex_Odeychuk)
tc abbr.
logist. танк-контейнер (tank container just-erica)
tech. ВМТ
 English thesaurus
Tc abbr.
abbr. critical temperature; Committed Rate Measurement Interval (FR); technetium; critical temperature (on the absolute scale); Transport and Communication Commission
abbr., earth.sc. tropical continental air mass
abbr., el. superconducting transition temperature
abbr., energ.ind. tandem compound
abbr., expl. critical absolute temperature
abbr., med. cytotoxic T cell; helper cells
abbr., oil corrected temperature
abbr., space adiabatic flame temperature of rocket; superconducting critical temperature
energ.ind. period in hours referred to compressor
Tc. abbr.
abbr. tierce; tierces
TC abbr.
abbr. Tax Credit; Technical Committee; Total Cost; Total Costs; Traverse City; Twin Cities; terra cotta; Tab Crawler; Table Caption; Tactical Computer; Tamara Cole; Tank Company; Tank Corps; tape core; Target Concept; Tariff Class; Task Committee (IFIP); tax code (часто в счетах - код НДС 4uzhoj); Teachers College; Tech Center; Technical Component; Techno- Components; Technology Consultant; Teen Christians; Teens Conference; Teeth And Claws; Telemeter Channel; Telephone Call; Telescoping Collar; Temperature Compensated; temperature compensating; Tennis Coach; Tercel Coupe; Terminal Computer; Terminal Control; Terminal Control Areas; Terminating Channel; Terra Crusher; Terrestrial Class; Terror Cat; Tesla Coil; Test Comprehensiveness; Test Consequence; Test Curve; Text Compression; Textual Criticism; Thailand Capital Fund, Inc.; The Times Courier; Theatre Company; Thecal Cell; Theoretical Chemistry; Therapeutic Community; Thermal Control; Thin Client; thread cutting; Threshold Circuit; Tickle Club; Tiger Cat; Time Check; Time Conflict; timed closing; Timely Cycle; Timothy Club; Tin Can; Tiny Chris; Tiny Cock; Tire Chalked; Title Card; Toilet Car; toilet case; Tom Clark; Tom Cruise; Tomorrow's Child; Too Cheap; Too Chubby; Too Cool; Too Cute; Too Cynical; Top Cap; Top Celeb; top chord; Top Cop; Topic Centric; Total Clown; Total Confusion; Total Control; Total Conversion; Totally Clueless; Totally Crunchy; Tough Cat; Tough Cookie; Touring Car; Touring Coupe; Trade Classification; Tramway Company; Trans Canada; Transaction Capabilities; Transaction Computer; Transaction Controller; Transcend Christ; Transcribing Complex; Transform Coding; Transit Corridor (Air lanes established for transit in the rear area of the battle theater; NATO); Transition Component; Transitive Closure; Transmitted Signal Element Timing (DCE Source, EIA-232); Transmitting Circuits; Transport Connection; Transport Convergence; Transport Cradles; Transportation Centre; Transportation Coordinator; Transportation Corps; Treatment Coefficient; Trenton Catholic; Tribal Council; Trilateral Commission; Tropical Chicken; Truck Camper; Truck Crane; True Christians; True Complement; Tubby Cat; Tuff Cat; Tuna Casserole; Tunnel Coordinates; Turbo Compound; Twin Cam; Twin Carburettor; Two Clusters; Two Cycle; Type Code; telephone contact (ННатальЯ); Telecomputing Corp.; telephone central (office); top contact; transparent conductive; typed copy; technic characteristic; technic control; trigger counter
abbr., auto. traction control (ВВладимир); turbocharger; test cycle; toll collection; torque converter; trouble code; turbocharged coupe; turbo charger; twin cam/twin camshaft
abbr., automat. teflon composite; Treatment for all Climates (Miyer)
abbr., avia. tariff conference; Test cell (Zealot2002); true course; top centricity; translating cowl; type certification; twin coordinator; high-pressure turbine case pressure; takeoff charts; target completion date; technical certificate; telecommunication committee; terminal circuit; terminal crib; test condition; test connector; test coordination; three communications; time coordinate; time cost; time cycle; tool classification; tooling change; tooling coefficient; tooling coordination; top of climb; turbine case
abbr., bank. Transaction Certificate (Ying)
abbr., baseb. total chances
abbr., biol. total capacity
abbr., BrE Transport Command; troop
abbr., build.mat. tungsten carbide (n.lysenko)
abbr., bus.styl. Trusteeship Council (of the UN)
abbr., busin. chief of transportation; target countries; tariff ceiling; tariff circular; Technical College; temporary clerk; telegram code; Telegraphic Collation; time cheque; tour conductor; tracer; Trade Corporation; traveler's cheque; Traveler's Credit
abbr., cables TC connector (MichaelBurov); telecom connector (MichaelBurov); telecom room (MichaelBurov); telecommunication closet (MichaelBurov); telecommunication connector (MichaelBurov); telecommunications closet (MichaelBurov); telecommunications connector (MichaelBurov); telecommunications room (MichaelBurov); wiring closet (MichaelBurov); telecom closet (MichaelBurov); TC (MichaelBurov); telecomunications closet (MichaelBurov)
abbr., chem., scient. Technetium
abbr., commer. Type Classification (Army)
abbr., commun. transmit clock; transmission on demand; terminal; Ticket Center; Track Circuit; takeover priority; takeover circuit; telecommunication equipment; telecontrol; transmission speed
abbr., comp., net. trusted computing (Artjaazz)
abbr., dril. T-connection; top center
abbr., earth.sc. tangential canal; targeted chlorination; test centre; theoretical components; threshold concentration; time of concentration; topographic command; track-crystallites; Trade Committee; trade convergence; transfer coefficient; transformation curve; transit circle; Tsunami Committee
abbr., EBRD technical cooperation (raf)
abbr., econ. code telegram; Trusteeship Council ON; thrift class
abbr., el. thermocompression (bonding); transmission control (ler); case temperature; tank circuit; tape cable; telecine; telecommunication channel; Telecommunications Committee; teleconference; telemetry and control; telephone center; 、 teleport communications; telex computer service; temperature controller; temperature cycle (testing); terminal concentrator; terminal controller; terminal counter; ternary compound; terrestrial channel; tester controller; thermoelectric controller; tight coupling; time clock; time compression; time to computation; timing control; tool controller; topic commenter; total current; transaction capability; transaction code; transceiver; transit call; transit center; transmission coefficient; transmission convergence sublayer; transparent conducting; trapping center; trellis coding; trim coil; trip cell; trunk card; trunk channel; trunk circuit; trunk control; tuning circuit
abbr., el., scient. Time Constant
abbr., electr.eng. temperature compensation; test chamber; test conductor; thermocurrent; tinned copper; transient conditions; trip coil
abbr., electric. tripping coil; touch current (igisheva)
abbr., energ.ind. top centre
abbr., file.ext. Tape Command; Termcap; Turbo C Configuration file
abbr., fin. technical consultations
abbr., gymn. Technical Commission
abbr., inet. Thread Count
abbr., inf. track commander; training chest
abbr., insur. Transcontainer
abbr., IT Take Care; Traffic Control; teracycle; time of computation; transfer complete; transfer control; transmission controller; transmission convergence
abbr., lab.eq. Total Calcium; to contain (A TC vessel is designed to deliver the entire measured content of the operation, and it may require forced air to expel the final quantity. A TD vessel is designed to deliver the entire measured amount via gravity flow. Wakeful dormouse); Target Concentration; Technology Centre; throat culture; Tissue Contraction; total cholesterol; Toxicity Characteristic
abbr., law Tax Court
abbr., logist. treatment charge (авиапоставка Yuriy83)
abbr., Makarov. terminal controller; terminate counting; thermal conductivity; time code
abbr., mech.eng. triple expansion
abbr., med. Cytotoxic T Cell, Cytotoxic T Lymphocyte; Target Cell; Teratocarcinoma; Terminal Cancer; Testicular Cancer; The Generation Time Of A Cell Cycle; Theca Cell; Tobacco Control (periodical); Typhus Commission; total correction; tumor cell
abbr., mil. Test Case; tactical coordinator; technical control; till countermanded (Interex); tidal current; transmit clock and/or telemetry combiner; training circular; team commander
abbr., mil., air.def. task code; timed channel; transfer center
abbr., mil., WMD to contain; Ton container; toxicity characteristic; type classification
abbr., mol.biol. tropocollagen (Игорь_2006)
abbr., multimed. traffic controller
abbr., nautic. Time Charter - Owners agree to hire a particular ship for a set length of time and provide technical management, crewing etc.
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. Temperature controller; temperature controller
abbr., O&G, sakh. toxic chemical
abbr., oil time charter; tool closed; top choke; tubing choke (andrushin); crystallization temperature; T circuit; T connection; table of contents; talc; tanker conversion; technical characteristic; telegraphic correction; tera cycle; Tertiary continental; testing and control; thermal cracking; tidal channel; tipping center; top coupling; total count; trace control; trace coverage for waveform/VDL (variable density log); transient cavity; transmission check; traveller's cheque; traveling cylinder; trimming coil; tubing cutter; type certificate; type curves
abbr., oncol. Thyroid Cancer
abbr., org.name. Technical Cooperation Department
abbr., phys., scient. Temperature Control; Thermal Conductivity
abbr., physiol. TarsoCrural; Temporal Cortex; Thoracic Circumference; Throat Culture; Tongue Closure; Transverse Colon
abbr., physiol., med. Tissue Culture; Total Cholesterol
abbr., polit. Turks and Caicos Islands; United Arab Emirates
abbr., polym. technically classified; temperature coefficient; thermocouple; time closing; total carbon
abbr., relig. The Calling; The Chosen; The Crossover
abbr., scient. Technical Communication
abbr., scottish Civil aircraft marking (Turkey); Tactical Controller; Training Camp / Centre; Training Cargo
abbr., semicond. Curie temperature
abbr., space transfer frame; terrain matching; test complete; thrust chamber
abbr., tech. turbocompressor (MichaelBurov); turbo compressor (MichaelBurov); turbo-compressor (MichaelBurov); thermocouple connector (Andrey250780); Tilting Cylinder (наклонный цилиндр Alexey); tandem connection (iwona); tree cap (MichaelBurov); Technical Cooperation Committee
abbr., telecom. telecommunications closet
abbr., textile Tetron Cotton (Yuriy83); Terylene cotton; 248; 38
abbr., tradem. Transport Canada
Apollo-Soyuz translation control
biochem. Tetracycline
comp. tertiary centre
econ. traveller's check (dimock)
energ.ind. tandem-compound; technological channel; temperature-controlled; thermal column; thyristor-controlled; topping cycle; toxicity characteristics; tramp corporation; transfer canal; transport category; tripper cars; turbine complex; turbine control; turning chamber; two-component
int.transport. traffic conference area (IATA)
invest. traveler's check
meteorol. tropical cyclone
mil. tactical command; tactical control; tank car; tank commander; target chart; target classification; target complex; team chief; technical center; technical characteristics; technical circular; technical committee; technical communications; temporary commission; terminal correction; terrain clearance; terrain correction; test center; test chief; test console; test control; test controller; test coordinator; time constant; topographic center; torpedo control; total cost; traffic control; training cadre; training camp; training center; training company; training cost; transit corridor; transport capacity; transport column; transport company; transport, cargo; transportation chief; travel card; trial counsel; troop carrier; troop commander; truncated cone
NASA Telecommand
O&G service water storage tank
physiol. Throat culture
tech. tracking console; technicolor; telecommunications; telegraph central office; telegraph repeater set; telephone central office; telephone repeater set; temporary correction; test categories; tetracycle; thermal compression; time compensation; timing channel; toll center; tone control; track chambers division; tracking camera; tracking cross; traffic control unit; transceiver code
tc abbr.
abbr. temperature controlled; critical temperature (centigrade)
abbr., lab.eq. tissue culture
abbr., med. critical temperature centigrade
O&G contact time
polym. tierce
tc. abbr.
abbr., sport. turf course
tC abbr.
abbr. Centigrade temperature
TC$ abbr.
abbr., O&G, casp. then current dollars (Yeldar Azanbayev)
: 82 phrases in 31 subjects
Armored vehicles2
Cables and cable production3
Computer networks13
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development1
Information technology1
Mass media2
Measuring instruments1
Medical appliances1
Name of organization1
Nuclear and fusion power1
Nuclear physics2
Oil and gas1
Oil processing plants1
Thermal Energy1