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TRC abbr.stresses
gen. расходы на поездки (Travel Related Costs Yakov F.)
Игорь Миг Комиссия по установлению истины и примирению
auto. противобуксовочная система (Yeldar Azanbayev)
comp., MS кривые воспроизведения полутонов (An algorithm for colour reproduction that maps a set of in-put tones to a set of output tones and is used to control how a device reacts to different light intensities in the visible colour spectrum)
O&G акт готовности к испытаниям (test readiness certificate); ТКЗ (MichaelBurov); Территориальная комиссия по запасам (MichaelBurov)
OHS техническая контрольная концентрация
product. система регулирования тягового усилия (Yeldar Azanbayev); зарегистрированный случай травматизма (Yeldar Azanbayev); общее количество регистрируемых несчастных случаев (Yeldar Azanbayev)
sec.sys. total recordable cases (общее количество зарегистрированных случаев (anna-mi)
USA Центр по исследованию терроризма (terrorism research center mazurov)
Игорь Миг, auto. антипробуксовочная система
 English thesaurus
TRC abbr.
abbr. Team Rental Car; The Red Cea; Thermodynamics Research Center; Three Ring Circus; Three Rivers Conference; Total Resource Cost; Transmitter Receiver Computer; Technical Training Center; Technology Reports Centre; Transcription-Reverse transcription Concerted method (Conservator); Transportation Research Center; Transportation Research Command; Texaco Research Center; Travelers Research Center; tension-restrict-crack test; Triangle Research Center; Tax Residency Certificate (Johnny Bravo)
abbr., auto. Test run criteria (Sagoto); torque reduction
abbr., avia. terminal radar control; Tower Radar Coordinator; thrust rating computer; thrust reverser cowl; technical repair center; thermal rotor control; translational rate command
abbr., busin. Training Centre
abbr., commer. Thai Rice Company; Trade Relations Council of the United States; Transportation Corporation of America
abbr., earth.sc. Technical Reports Centre (Ministry of Technology); total reduction capacity
abbr., el. transistor-resistor coupled (device); read cycle time; tape record coordinator; technical resources center; technology report center; telecommunications research center; telegram retransmission center; television relay center; temperature recorder-controller; terminating register connector; tester rules checker; time read control; timing rule checker; total radius control; tracking, radar-input and correlation; transmission and reception control equipment; transmit/receive control unit; transmitter circuit; trap control; trunk resource coordinator
abbr., genet. total ridge count
abbr., IT Power CTrace Debug support file; table reference character; transverse redundancy check
abbr., med. Tanned Red Cell; tanned red cells
abbr., met. twin roll caster (inplus)
abbr., mil. Tactical Robotic Controller (qwarty); tactical radio communication; transmission release code
abbr., mil., avia. technical research group
abbr., mil., WMD Technical review committee
abbr., nucl.pow. technology recipient country (Boris54)
abbr., O&G TCNR (MichaelBurov); Territorial Committee for Natural Reserves (MichaelBurov); Territorial Reserves Committee (MichaelBurov); Texas Railroad Commission (MichaelBurov); total recordable cases (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G, sakh. Total Recordable Case (Sakhalin Energy); total reportable case (is the sum of fatalities, permanent total disabilities, permanent partial disabilities, lost workday cases, restricted work cases and medical treatment cases); Total Reportable Cases
abbr., office.equip. Tone Reproduction Curve (translator911)
abbr., oil temperature recorder control; Technology Research Center; temperature recorder controller; top red conglomerate; total relevant cost; transmission and reception controller; Tulsa Research Center
abbr., polym. temperature recording controller
abbr., post Technology Resources Center (Arthur D. Little & USPS)
abbr., product. traction control system (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., railw. Trona Railway Company; Tanzania Railways Corporation
abbr., relig. Trinity Reform College
abbr., scottish Torpedo Recovery Craft; Transitions Research Corp. (USA)
abbr., sport. Telenet Racing Community; Trouble Rescue Club
abbr., st.exch. Tejon Ranch Company; Tradable Renewable Certificate
abbr., tax. transit charge (Yuriy83)
abbr., tech. treatment rated capacity
abbr., tradem. Technology Research Corporation; Technology Resource Center; The Record Company
abbr., transp. Track Recording Car; Twin Rail Cavity
airports, avia. Torreon, Mexico
ecol. total residual chorine
energ.ind. temperature record and control; total reduced sulfur
mil. tactical radio communications; technical research center; test readiness certificate; theater replacement command; training center; transport column; troposcatter radio communications; true track
tech. the radiochemical centre; tracking radar input and correlation
trc abbr.
abbr. total response to crisis
tRC abbr.
abbr. row cycle time
trc abbr.
abbr., econ. truck
TrC abbr.
abbr., econ. triangular cooperation
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