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TPO abbr.stresses
brit. лесное охранное обязательство (tree preservation order ttimakina)
chem. окисление с программированием температуры (Karabas)
endocr. тиреопероксидаза (thyroid peroxidase Ying)
market. цено-временная возможность
med. ТПО (Thyroid Peroxidase – тиреопероксидаза / тиреоидная пероксидаза 'More)
 English thesaurus
TPO abbr.
abbr. Third Party Only; Third Party Operations; Time, Place, Occasion; Transfer Post Office; Treatment Payment Operations; Traveling Post Office; third-party organization (coltuclu)
abbr., auto. thermoplastic olefin
abbr., avia. tactical operating procedures; technical planning objective; test program outline
abbr., bank. third-party originated loan (aht)
abbr., busin. time, place and occasion
abbr., chem. titanium potassium oxalate
abbr., construct. thermoplastic polyolefin (ВВладимир)
abbr., dril. mud temperature out
abbr., earth.sc. true pedogenic deposits
abbr., el. telephotography
abbr., el., scient. Twisted Pair Only
abbr., fin. Third-party origination
abbr., health., med. Treatment Payment Options
abbr., IT The Program Object
abbr., life.sc. thrombopoietin; thymopoietin
abbr., med. thyroid peroxidase; thrombopoietin (тромбопоэтин, ТПО ННатальЯ); Treatment, Payment, Health Care Operations (Elena_afina); tryptophan peroxidase
abbr., mil. TACSIM Program Office; Technical Publications Office; task performance observation
abbr., mil., avia. technical planning objectives
abbr., oil temperature programmed oxidation; thin phase object; time proportional output
abbr., physiol., med. Thyroid Peroxidase; Treatment Payment And Operations; Triple Pelvic Osteotomy
abbr., plast. Thermal Plastic Olefin; Thermoplastic Polyolefin; thermoplastic olefinic elastomer
abbr., polym. 2,4,6-trimethylbenzoyl diphenyl-phosphine oxide
mil. technical planning office; telecommunications program objective; tentative program objectives; track production officer
plast., abbr. Thermoplastic Polyolefin (often applied to elastomers)
tech. telephoto; tuned plate oscillator
Tpo abbr.
abbr., met. tempered in oil
: 7 phrases in 3 subjects
Pharmacy and pharmacology1