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TPG abbr.stresses
med. градиент транспульмонарного давления (transpulmonary pressure gradient yegorij)
 English thesaurus
TPG abbr.
abbr. Torrey Pines Gulls; tapping
abbr., avia. Transition Planning Group; technical publications guide; tyre pressure gauge
abbr., comp. test pattern generator
abbr., ed., scient. Triangle Parking Garage
abbr., el. technical program generator; telecommunication program generator; total precedence grammar
abbr., el., scient. Test Pattern Generation; Twisted Pair Ground
abbr., inet. Tnt Post Group
abbr., med. Transmembrane Potential Gradient (broth); Transplacental Gradient (broth); Transpulmonary Gradient (broth); Tryptophan Peptone Glucose (broth); transpulmonary pressure gradient (транспульмональный градиент давления Dimpassy)
abbr., media. Target Population Group; Trinity Publications Group, Inc.
abbr., mil. Troop Program Guidance
abbr., mil., avia. terminal phase guidance
abbr., oil magnetic taping; temporary pile gripper; time propagation gain; triphenyl guanidine
abbr., org.name. Technical Panel for the Glossary of Phytosanitary Terms
abbr., polym. triphenylguanidine; Tripropylene Glycol (трипропиленгликоль boldyrev_o)
abbr., post Royal TPG Post, Netherlands
abbr., space TV picture generator
abbr., tradem. Texas Pacific Group; The Phillips Group; Transaction Printer Group, Inc.
abbr., transp. The Proving Grounds
airports, avia. Taiping, Malaysia
comp. time-propagation delay
meteorol., abbr. topping (up)
mil. terminal phase guidance
tech. thermionic power generator; timing pulse generator; topping
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