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TFO abbr.stresses
oil ориентация торца бурового режущего инструмента (tool face orientation)
 English thesaurus
TFO abbr.
abbr. The Fowl One; total fixed outlay (Vosoni)
abbr., avia. time to first overhaul; tool fabrication order
abbr., dril. tool face orientation
abbr., earth.sc. total ferrum oxide
abbr., el. test facility operation
abbr., inet. The Future Online; Twisted Fate Online
abbr., IT Tandem Free Operation
abbr., med. Too Fucking Old person Dying Of Old Age.; Triplex Forming Oligonucleotide
abbr., mil., avia. transactions for others
abbr., mil., WMD transaction for others
abbr., oil tons fuel oil
abbr., police Tactical Flight Officer
abbr., sport. Temple Fork Outfitters; Touch Football Ontario
abbr., tradem. Tire Factory Outlet
abbr., UN Transfer From Oas
abbr., weav. two for one (MA YU)
tech. tuning fork oscillator